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content warning: graphic depictions of violence and organ harvesting (only as a dream)


Upon arriving home, they were greeted by Jaemin's mother— kind of. She sat, passed out on the couch with a bottle of soju in her hand and several more on the floor and table.

They both ignored it, as it was a common occurrence. Since the tragedy, she'd turned to alcohol for relief. Even when they tried to pry it away from her, she'd always find a way to relapse. Eventually, they stopped trying.

Jaemin went to his room as Hyeonggeun stayed in the kitchen, munching on bread as he scrolled through his phone.

The younger sat on the counter, scrolling through Instagram reels when he suddenly received a message. It was from Kaedan, a freshman at their school.

u wont believe dis

cat food eater
what is it?
don't you have volleyball practice

wer on break
its junyou

cat food eater
what is it this time??

hes saying shit about u

cat food eater
he always says shit about me

no i mean lyk
hes saying stuff about u and jaemin hyung

Hyeonggeun paused in his chewing, setting down the empty plate. He slowly got off of the counter cautiously. With furrowed brows, rereading the message over and over to see if what he was seeing was right.

He didn't like where this was going.

cat food eater
wait are you serious?

he said things like
u would abuse jaem hyung at home
someone also said u got together w his gf
is that true??????

cat food eater
you know that's bullshit
what else is he saying..

something abt u getting kidnapped n ptsd?
idk i didnt bother to listen its all fake anyway

Hyeonggeun turned pale. How did he know that? And most importantly, why would anyone spread rumors about him and his girlfriend?

He tried to calm himself, but his phone only began dinging as his friends kept contacting him to check on him and confirm the truthfulness of the rumors. Quickly, he put his phone on silent and shoved it in his pocket, not in the mood to feel guilty for leaving Kaedan on read.

His mind raced. What would people do if they found it? High schoolers were brutal people. They once had a girl who's secret that her father had passed away got out, and people bullied her relentlessly. She joined her father the following month.

For some reason, his legs took him somewhere, his brain barely even responding before he stopped in front of a door. Hyeonggeun's hands shook as he twisted the doorknob and opened it.

There was a squeak, coming from Jaemin who was startled by the younger's sudden intrusion. His surprise turned into fondness as he looked at him with a smile. "Hyeonggeun, did you need something?"

For some reason, the blue haired boy couldn't speak. His tongue was tied as his heart palpitated in his chest. He wanted to tell Jaemin, but there was still a part of him that told him not to— that he's supposed to hate his guts.

"I…" Even though he wanted to speak, he couldn't. His eyes were fixated on the older who was cleaning his wounds. Wounds that Hyeonggeun let him have.

The brunette tilted his head curiously as he waited for the other to speak. Though he was head to toe with injuries, his bright smile never died down.

"Nevermind." Eventually, Hyeonggeun got out a reply and shut the door. When he heard the knob close, a sigh left his body. He slid down behind it, dragging his hands down his face.

He hated remembering it. It wasn't often that Hyeonggeun got scared. To be completely honest, he wasn't even that scared during the whole kidnapping process.

But the room he and Jaemin were locked in had a bathroom. Naturally, as a curious 9 year old, he decide to check it out. And in the bathtub full of ice… was blood. And not only blood, but organs. All kinds that made him worry if his were going to join the wet, cold pile.

He ran back to Jaemin and told him about what he saw, the older immediately turning pale and letting him go to investigate despite the other's discouragement.

That was when the real terror kicked in.

Hyeonggeun still had nightmares of it. On an operation table in a dark and shady place. He'd be drowsy but awake from terrible anaesthesia, but tied down so he had nowhere to go. There was no choice but to listen to the "doctors" and their conversation about which organ they'd take, before taking a scalpel and descending it down to his exposed chest.

Then, he'd wake up in a cold sweat. It may have just been a dream, but to him, it was a possibility. Something that could've happened.

Hyeonggeun stood up from his spot on the floor and drowsily went over to his room, opening the door and locking it behind him before sitting on his bed, feeling like he was ready to pass out.

With shaky hands, he took out his phone and saw tons of messages and missed calls. Mostly from Yuma, Hikari, and even Daehyeon. They all showed concern for him, wondering how Junyou even found out or if he was just pulling shit from his ass.

Either way, Hyeonggeun was paranoid and needed a distraction. He placed down the device and layed down, eyes closed as he tried to steady his shaky breathing.

Hopefully when he wakes up, it'll all turn out to be a bad dream.

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