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"Because it's none of my business."

Daehyeon's eyes widened, fury taking over him, but he couldn't do anything. Not with an injured person on his back. Hikari and Yuma ran over to them to help him calm down. "What the fuck did you say..?"

"That's enough. Get Jaemin to the infirmary first. We can deal with the rest later. Hikari, go with them." Yuma said, receiving a nod from the Japanese as he lead Daehyeon and Jaemin away, leaving the older with Hyeonggeun.

"Ggeun, I know you don't like Jaemin, but…" Yuma approached him, holding the younger's hand with an empathetic expression. "What you did back there wasn't right."

"Sorry, hyung. You don't know what it's like."

"But we can help you-!"

"You can't. I'm sorry, but… it's too complicated. You weren't there from the start, you don't know the whole story." Hyeonggeun shook his head and gently pried the older's hand off of his. Yuma opened his mouth to retaliate but he'd already turned around, walking the opposite direction.

A sigh escaped the white haired boy's lips as he watched his figure disappear down the corridor. He knew there was something deeper at play, but was it really any of his business?

Jaemin hissed each time the nurse would place ointment on his wounds. He was alone in the infirmary, Daehyeon and Hikari having a conversation outside.

"You're all good, Jaemin-ssi. Do you have a parent I can call to take you home?" She asked as she finished the last of the bandage. The brunette shook his head. "I have only a few classes left, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure, kid?"

"Yeah, it's nothing serious, right? It's okay. Thanks a lot, ma'am."

"Well, alright. But I suggest you rest here until dismissal, I need to get some stuff from the storage room and I'll be right back."  She patted his shoulder lightly before throwing on her jacket and leaving the room, leaving Jaemin all alone.

Jaemin lied down, staring at the white ceiling as he listened to his friends' faint conversation from behind the walls.

"Hyeonggeun could've done something and Jaemin hyung wouldn't be a blood fountain!"

"But you know about their history-"

"Yeah, I do! And from what I know, there's no reason for him to hate Jaemin hyung. Fuck, how could anyone even hate him?! He's an angel!"

"Daehyeon, calm down. You're getting riled up for no reason. I know you're upset with Hyeonggeun, but we don't know the whole story. The only thing we can do now is look after Jaemin."

"...Fine, you're right."

"I always am, now come on."

Jaemin stopped listening when they entered the infirmary, sitting down next to him and asking all sorts of questions.

"What even happened? Why did Junyou suddenly beat you up?" Hikari had asked. The other couldn't even remember why. Was it because of how he defended Hyeonggeun earlier in the morning?

When he left the cafeteria, Junyou and his friends were waiting for him at his locker. Without even knowing why, he was already being pushed around and punched in all sorts of places.

It wasn't everyday Jaemin got beat up, but people considered him weak. His voice was always quiet and he didn't initiate things frequently. Maybe he wasn't the most intimidating guy out there, so what? He couldn't think of any other reason Junyou would tackle him out of nowhere.

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