• Chapter 4 - How We Both Feel •

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Hyunjin, Bangchan, Seungmin, and some other employees from Taegang were there.

Y/n walked in the restaurant and everyone looked at her, for some reason (we all know why..) Hyunjin looked at her for the longest.

"Y/n! Over here!!"
Chan called her over, Hyunjin made eye contact with Y/n which made his heart race and he looked away.

"What are they doing here?"

"Oh, well he's my friend and we needed for people so I invited him."

"I can leave..."

"Please do."

Hyunjin was hurt at what she said, it hurt him more because it was in front of all the other employees.

"Oh.. Ok, I'll be leaving now. Bye! I'll see you guys next time."

Yura, a Taegang, employee looked at everyone at the table. She thought to her self if no one cared about him. She got up and went after him.

"Yura where are you going?"

"I'll be back don't worry about me."

Y/n glared at her as she walked through the door.

"Y/n I have a question."

"What is it Seungmin?"

"Well... I just wanted to ask if you feel anyway about Hyunjin?"

"What do you mean...?"


Hyunjin's pov:

I was walking down the street, window shopping and heard someone yell for me. I turned back to see Yura, not a lot of people know this but I've been seeing her lately. She's really sweet and she's nice to me, unlike someone I know...

"Hyunjin are you ok? Why'd you leave?"

"Oh, well Y/n wanted me to leave, so I did."

"Oh.. You call her by her first name?"

"Yeah.. Not in a disrespectful way. Our parents know each other so I see her time to time."

"Wow.. Anyway, Just come back, or let's go somewhere together!"

I smiled at her, at times she really did make me happy...

"Okay, sure!"

"Alright! I'll be back let me go get my purse!"

I smiled at her as she did a tiny run in her heels.


Y/n's pov:

"Do you have any feelings towards Hyunjin? I know both your families want you to get married."

"Hell no. He works for Daegu I could never."

Seungmin looked at Bangchan shaking his head.

I know damn well I do have a little crush on him, I mean even though he got flowers for Yura he's a sweet person.

Yura came back and got her purse,

"Your leaving already?"

Our CEO asked her,

"Yes! Hyunjin and I are going together!"

"Where to?"

"I'm not sure.. But with him anything is fun! See you guys tomorrow!"

She seemed so happy.. But seeing her happy with the man I like breaks my heart, but there's no one to blame other than myself..
Well all I want is for him to be happy, and if another woman makes him happy so be it. If he tries to get to know me again, I'll let him this time..

Hyunjin's pov:

I took Yura to her favorite restaurant, it's not expensive and the food is amusing. She put out her hand for me to hold it, I held her hand and she dragged me into the restaurant.

After we ordered we talked and laughed, it's been so long since I laughed like this.. But I wanted it to be with Y/n, I couldn't stop thinking about her..

"So Hyunjin how's everything at Daegu?"

"It's good! I won that case against you guys like about 3 weeks ago."

"Yeah! It was attorney Ahn who dealt with that case. I really look up to her but, I always feel like she has something against me. She's like the older sister I never had!"

When Yura said that it made me wonder if all the other employees look up to Y/n like that.

"Hm, well enough about work! Let's just make tonight about me and you!"


Dinner is finished and were walking down the streets together. We reached the park, and she turned to me.

"Hyunjin, tonight was fun I enjoyed it. I hope we can do this what sometime!"

She smiled at me, and I smiled back at her. Then she came closer to me and kissed me.. If I'm being honest I enjoyed it. I had feelings for Yura and I couldn't help it.

She broke the kiss, then I pulled her by her waist and returned it.

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