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"Hey Lace."Liam spoke as i sat down at the table "Hey."I smiled,then Toby and Tracy came into the kitchen. "Your lucky your getting fostered."Harry said as he looked over at Toby "We don't know for sure yet Harry."Tracy explained "Four minutes twenty!"Toby yelled "On it."Tracy replied as she started to look at  the egg in the pan "Jeff is gonna reek so badly."Liam commented as Harry dipped his toy giraffe into his bowl of cereal "Harry can you not get milk on Jeff please."Tracy smiled "Four minutes twenty seven!"Toby yelled "Okay!Liam toast."Tracy spoke.Tracy tripped on a chair leg but she caught the egg.

"And you say you have bad luck."I spoke "Exactly."Liam added,Toby cracked the egg open fine and everything was going well until he poured the salt out and the lid fell off.
"I'll do you another one."Tracy stated as she ruffled his hair "What's the point..i told you from the day i was born,i'm jinxed."He explains.

After breakfast i was sat in the lounge watching Liam and Toby make a house of cards. "Sapphire this just came."Johnny said as he handed her a letter,i watched as she opened it and her face lit up. "Ahh!"She smiled as she jumped up making Toby knock over the cards "Dizzie!My dads got me two tickets for tomorrow night,how cool is that!Cause my dads like a roadie soo.."She spoke.

Me,Liam and Toby went out into the garden after that. "Don't stress about it."Liam spoke as he played about on the tyre swing "I'm not."Toby responded as he read his comic "You just gotta own the film,do you know what i'm saying?"Liam smirked as he jumped down "Just gotta let them know who you really are."I said "Do you wanna practice?"Liam asked "And which of your 5 foster parents did that work best on."Toby stated "Alright then.."Liam muttered,then he saw Johnny and Tee playing footy "What do you wanna play football?Do you wanna play football..awww thanks."Liam smirked as he ran off,Toby following.

"Right me and you vs them."Liam spoke looking over at me,Johnny and Tee "Oh just forget it..i'll mess it up anyways."Toby groaned "You'll be fine..Liam can play so how hard can it be?"I smirked making him laugh.
"Yes Johnny,pass!"I yelled,Toby fell over as he kicked the ball making Liam and I laugh.
"Unbelievable."Liam comments as he started spinning the ball on his finger.Then Toby stormed off.


I was on the couch in the lounge,Liam was sat next to me with his legs resting on top of me and Frank was sat on the other couch. "Reckon Toby's actually got bad luck?"Liam asked as he looked up from his phone "All of us here have bad luck..otherwise we would be at home with our mams and dads."Frank explained "Bad luck isn't real,just the way life is.If it's your bad day then it's somebody's good day,tomorrow it will be the other way around."I stated as Lily walked in,then Carmen and Tee did.

I heard the door buzz over the chatter in the lounge,Mike went and answered it and then i heard shouting. "I want to see her!"A familiar voice yelled "Who's that?"Carmen asked "Don't know..sounds like some psycho."Liam smirked,that's when it clicked that was my mums voice. "I want to see my daughter!Lacey,where are you?!"She yelled.
Liam looked at me,i could tell he didn't know what to say or do.I didn't know what he was thinking but i knew her heard my mum shouting my name. "Lacey!Where are you!?"
"Oh my god!"I yelled as i stood up "Lace,what's wrong?"Liam asked as he stood up to,grabbing my arm "Are you alright?"Frank questioned "Can you all go away!"I shouted before walking out.

I regretted the words immediately but i didn't know what to do.I walked out into the passage and Mike was still at the front door trying to get my mum away,i walked over and saw her stood in the doorway,i don't think my mum saw me but then Gina dragged me into the office.

"Why's she here?"I asked "I don't know darling."Gina replied as she grabbed the phone.She called somebody but i got up and left,i didn't want to hang around to see my mum get took by the police.I went into my room and grabbed a jacket and some money before heading back downstairs.

I could hear talking in the lounge as i walked by. "Why's her mum screaming for her..it's not like she cares about Lacey anyways."Johnny spoke "Shut your mouth Johnny.You don't know what's gone on."Liam argued.That's what i liked about Liam,he was a really good mate,ild just screamed at him and he was still sticking up for me.

I went out the backdoor,i didn't know where i was going but i didn't want to hang around when my mum was about.

It was late when i decided to go back,reallt late.I had loads of missed calls and texts.

52 missed calls from liam
49 missed calls from mike
37 missed calls from sapphire
and loads of texts from everyone else

It was around midnight and i was walking down the road back to elmtree.Ild cleared my head a bit but i still was pissed with my mum for just pitching up.I reached elmtree and walked over to the door,all the lights where off,all of them expect Liams and the downstairs light.

I rang the doorbell and it opened not long after. "Lacey!"Mike yelled "Sorry.."I muttered as i walked inside "What where you thinking?"He questioned "Calm down..she's only just got back."Liam spoke as he came down the stairs "We'll talk about this in the morning,get to bed please Lacey."Mike stated "C'mon Lace."Liam whispered as we walked over to the stairs.

"Why'd you run off?"He asked "My mum..didn't wanna be around to see the police take her."I explained "You scared me.I thought yould really ran away for good."Liam spoke "Nah.."I muttered "I could never leave you forever Liam,maybe for a few days."I smirked "Shut up."Liam laughed as he hugged me "Just don't run off like that again."He whispered.

I went to bed after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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