devils forces

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Ginny and her mother molly weasly where just arriving at King's Cross Station trunk and trolly, ready to run straight at the wall between nine three quarters.
"You go first dear, thats it...."

Half a hour ago she had arived at the relic platform. She had watched each one of her brothers off on this platform, now it was just her. Actually just her  and her best friends luna and neville, all sat together in one of the shared carriages where a megorrity of the sixth years where chatting about there summers.
"Me and neville went along with dad to South America to track down a new species of bowtrukle... but we didn't find it "
Luna told ginny in her usual dreamy tone.
"Oh well somthing for chrismas holidays'

Nevile noticed ginny scanning her surroundings and being particularly jumpy for instance when Gertrude came round with the trolly she seemed to jump and her leg and hand trembled nervously.

"Ginny, you ok? You seem a little.. Well Jumpy."
"Huh? Oh yeh fine" she attempted to reassure her friend.
"They won't come here, your safe. If they do I'll protect you. Both of you." He said looking at his best friends." We will protect one another."luna said cheerfully.
After this ginny seemed to be more comfortable, she even chuckled when seamus blew up the yoyo he was trying to bewitch to listen to conversations.
They were all happy. That was until the train came to a hult.
"What's going on?" Everyone asked. There questions were soon answered when 2 death eaters strode frantically up the Isles
They came to a stop where she neville and luna where sat. Nev stood up "Hey!loosers he isn't here!" The  siloets disaperated and ginny was as nervous as ever. Luna held ginnys hand and didn't let go . When they arived at the hogsmead station it all fell quiet. Then they entered the castle .

There was no chatter no home feeling. This year at hogwarts She looked up at the teachers table to see two gloomy figures with cheep midnight robes.

After ten minutes they made a announcement. "Headmaster snape is busy
So you answer to us.rules are:
-no physical or romantic relations are to exist within these four walls and a spin on that we need you to know. No nickname.  You can't be within a 10cm of the opposite sex.
- all mail from outsiders will be searched and any dangerouse items extracted.
Oh and some of my favourites
-no eating out of meal times
- any rule breaking will be punished with a severity to there actions.
Oh and the most important
- only speak to a teacher when you have permission. "
Then a woman dressed identical to the man stepped forwards.
"A few I have thaught of.
-no house competition.
- no hogsmead visits
-and no going home for 3rd years without a valid reason.
Right that is all. Out!"

Everyone shoked that they hadn't eaten whent up to there comon rooms  but neville ginny , and luna walked to a deserted corridor gave each other a hug and a handshake they made on the train and went up to there common rooms.

Nevile and ginny were shoked at the sight of it.
Everything was black. There was no sofas or squishy armchairs but hamoks and stone flor instead of a scarlet carpet.
There were no chess tables or games but ancient artifacts.
This wasn't home.
The spiral staircase were still there but apon ascending to her room it was completely changed. The on thing ginny cold only describe it as is hell.

It and been 2 days since there arivals and they were being re sorted.
Not into houses but into blood classified groups. There wasn't realy hufflepuff,
Nor  ravenclaw , griffendor nor  slithering but there was burebloods, halfbloods , bloodtrators and muggleborns.

The silver trio were sorted into bloodtraitors. But a megorities of the slitherins were in purebloods.

It was hell.but all they knew was that the muggleborns had it worse. They hadn't seen collin or his brother until they had been in DADA and they met there 'Practice subjects' the muggleborns.
Ginnys stomach contorted at the sight if them. Battered, bruised ands terrified.

"Right,ginerva you go first !"
Ginny stood there revving the skeletons in the crowd.
"No,thank you " she muttered overcome at the sight of her fellow classmates.
"What did you say! You blood-"
"I SAID NO THANK YOU."boomed through the DADA room.
"You are a disgrace to the wizarding world Ginerva if-"ginnny interrupted fiersly saying
"It's ginny thanks proffesor."
"I don't give a damn. If you want to act like a blood traitor you will be treated like one.You."she pointed at a student "go fetch me some pure bloods."
And with that the student disappeared

'Please just stop' she thaught to herself as the pain rang thought he body as another curse was thrown at her by the pure the bloods.
She wished for a split second that she could give in.give up. Stop fighting. Maybe she would find she was stuck again by a pale slick hair blob she came to her senses.
Show no pain. That's what they instead  she straightened up and decided to do what they didn't expect.
She closed her eyes and hoped. Hoped that it would end
Hope that it would stop.

After what felt like hours, the curse loosened the grip on her. The whole  class dispursed however, nevile and luna stayed back to help ginny who was celled over on the floor.

"Come on ginny , we got you " nevile said heaving her up with luna sporting her at ether side.
"Nev, she doesn't look good "
"Yeah I know lu we should take her to the hospital wing." Nev answered worriedly
All of a sudden they heard the sound of footsteps on sandstone and without even looking the knew in the voice. The cold, slimy voice.
" you will do no such thing. This festering blood traitor answered back to a superior and so she shall be punished. How it deserves" a snear clung to the end of the sentence.The decrepit deputy waltzed of to go haunt somewhere else.

The next few weeks were hell. Dark arts seemed to smother all corikulum even Transfiguration wich seemed to get on mcgonagals nerves.

Ginnt was still sore from the curses that were thrown at her previously luckily, however,  she didn't get tortured for her misbehaviour for a wile as a ll the other proffesors seemed to have a system in place.
For example, the silver trio recuved a detention whith mcgonagall so she set them work. But it wasn't usual work. She taught them useful healing and defence spells that she knew from her time as an educator and slughorn taught them the same sort of thing with potions as did Flitwick with charms.
The realy clever thing was that if the deputy cam a-knoking they would just pretend to be doing dark work and they didn't question it due to there lack of brain cells.
The trio even stared the DA back up again in secret and passed on there strategies to the others.
On occasion they would end by telling first years stories about hogwarts in previous years. How great it was. Well how different it was from now.

Let me know what you think. And give me some ideas if you have any
Stay quirky

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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