chapter 15

414 17 12

Tw ⚠️ sh / ed talk most :

Atsushi's pov :

He and Akutagawa were woken up by dazai barging in the room .
"Slight change of plans , me and chuuya have work so you guys have to walk , Atsushi we haven't forgotten so we're be in your school layer and lunches are packed bye "

The two were still half asleep so they stared at eachother .
"What did he say ?"
"I don't know "

Slowly getting up and ready .
"Jinko come on we don't have all day "
"I am calm down "
Akutagawa locked the door and they started walking .
"I'm so tired Ryu "
"So am I - we did stay up late "
"Oh yeah "
They both looked away in embarrassment .

25 mind layer they arrived - 20 minutes late .
"How are we so late ?"
Atsushi asked dragging akutagawa .
"I don't - my watch is slow "
"Watch ? Use your phone like a Normal person and we wouldn't be late "

They had first lesson together so it wasn't as scary .
"Why are you both late ?"
"His watch was slow "
"Watch ? It's 2023 grow up -"
Atsushi sniggered .
"As punishment your be spending the time you've wasted with me in your break cleaning the chalk rubbers "
They accepted their fate and sat down a bit pissed .

Then the next lesson rolled around which was different .
Atsushi was in maths as he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket .
The teacher wasn't looking so he took it out - dazais was calling .
He declined as he was in lesson and put it away .
"Sir Atsushi is on his phone "
That bitch Higuchi can't keep her grimy mouth shut .
"Atsushi put it on my desk "

He got it back at the end but then went to his previous lesson for his punishment .
"Right you two , clean the rubbers for 10 minutes as I'm not that cruel , but seriously get a new watch "

She ate her break as the two began smacking rubbers together getting all the chalk out .
"I have to make some copies so behave "

Atsushi wasn't looking and turned around smiring chalk all over akutagawas back .
"Oops sorry "
Akutagawa stared till he rubbed chalk on Atsushi's front - then from their the war began .

"You two can go - oh my "

Chalk was all over both of them .
"Get out I don't have time for this - go to the principals now !"

They walked their still giggling .
Akutagawa knocked on his door .
"Enter - just who I was looking for Atsushi your guardian - what happened ?"
"We um - got in a chalk fight and was sent to see you sir "

Dazai looked very angry , he started aggressively rubbing off the chalk .
"A chalk fight are you five Atsushi ?"
"Ryu really ? Your better than this"
Chuuya doing the same .
The two adults sat back down .
"As I was saying , Atsushi they are here to talk with miss humble and you , but for you and akutagawa you have after-schools today's , akutagawa you can go to break"
"Thank you sir "

Akutagawa waved bye and left the three .

The principals leading them to miss humbles room .
"You guys must be here for Atsushi take a seat"
'she seems nice so far'

"I'm miss humble , could I have the guardians names please ?"
"Yes I'm Osamu dazai , Chuuya is just my partner here for support "
"I see , I already have Mr Nakaharas name in the system "

Once she had finishing writing she looked back at them .
"Ok I am the school's safe guarding leader , so is there a safety reason you think I could help with ?"
Tw ⚠️ :
Atsushi just stared at the floor so dazai took over .
"We recently found out Atsushi's been self harming , and some issues with eating "
"Yes I've heard of the food issue as friends did report on some occasions , is it ok if I write things down ?"
She looked at Atsushi who nodded .
"Ok , before we drive more into the issue it's self I just want to say that harming isn't a bad things and by that I mean it doesn't mean something is wrong with you it's purely how some people's mind tell them how to cope with stressful situations"

That made Atsushi feel better about the situation .
"Take as long as you need Atsushi , do you think talking to someone once a week about how your feeling or anything you'd like would be beneficial ?"
He nodded .
She smiled .
"Good to hear , the nearest we can start is next week , is that an ok time ?"
Just a nod again .
"You can speak Atsushi "
Chuuya hit dazais leg .
"It's ok , this can be a lot for some and we don't always have to talk , we can draw , use clay to get those feelings across , this is all I did need to ask of you Atsushi so if it's alright Could you stand outside for a minute"
He nodded and let himself out .

Dazais pov :

"Ok , theses things can be a bit difficult with him in the room to say , his safety is very important so I need to advise you to keep certain things out of reach , till he find the root of the issue"

"How long do we need to do this it's crazy why can't he just not do it ?"
"Osamu calm down its not that easy and we have to keep him safe"
"He's right , harming can become what some people depend on - like a drug it's that need of adrenaline and till we find why he's become dependent , things have to be put away "
"Ok ok I see , I just don't understand how this even happens ? What makes him even think to start that ?"
"Some people do just look at something for too long and get thoughts , while others see it then again the thoughts of maybe it could help "
"You can help him right ?"
"I'll try my best , but he has to cooperate aswell "
"Thank you "

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