Chapter 1

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It had been 4 years since the treasure of Captain Flint had been found on that wretched island, but for everyone involved it felt like an eternity. Retirement, while a sparkling and exciting prospect at first, became dull and dreary.

Alexander Smollett was languishing in his house, dreaming of his past glory days and wishing he was back at the helm, spitting away his orders at the menfolk aboard.

David Livesey was just as tired of the lifestyle that retirement had offered him. His brain needed something to keep busy, so he had ended up taking the odd medical commission here and there, despite his wealth and employment status. Or lack thereof.

Squire John Trelawney had become so wretchedly bored that he had begun to collect random objects and his home was filled to the brim with artefacts from all over. The stranger, the better. This was also where he had met his current fancy. A man named Elias Granger, a collector on paper, but more of an underhanded pickpocket and small-time cat burglar if truth was to be told.

Ben Gunn had all but vanished. No trace of him was to be found, but it was assumed that he was happy somewhere, partaking in his cheese-based hobbies.

Jim was possibly the most fortunate of the lot. Since he had returned with a sum of the treasure, he had helped his mother return the Admiral Benbow Inn to its former glory. No, perhaps even better than before. The Inn was heaving with activity and was always filled with laughter, merriment and the occasional soldier, or sailor. But the sign above the door made it extremely clear that pirates were NOT welcome. Not at all.

Jim had decided long ago that he would never return to the island again to retrieve the remnants of gold that he believed to still be there. He was content in his lot at the Inn, helping his mother and attending the guests. It was not a glittering profession, nor was it as exciting as the prospect of using the money to collect artefacts, but he was extremely satisfied and content. He would move for no man. Or so he told himself.

Elias Granger had been visiting Trelawney, as was usually the custom for a Tuesday evening. He had exited the front door, a slight flush to his cheeks and his hair somewhat dishevelled. As he took a number of steps down the street, he passed Livesey and gave a slight nod in acknowledgement, which was returned with grace and gratitude from the ever-smiling man.

Livesey knocked on the door and waited for the doors to open, before he stomped his way inside and made his way up to the lounge where he knew that his friend the Squire would be.

As the door heaved open, Trelawney raised his head with a cheeky smile, and it almost caught David off guard. He let out a long and almost, melodious laugh as he waved a hand. "I say, my good fellow, what has you so enthused this evening?"

Usually, the man was very happy after one of Elias' visits, but this time he was extra pleased with himself and Livesey needed to know why. Trelawney's whims often had a habit of dragging him into them, so he needed to be aware of any potential dangers of that cheeky grin.

"I have just come into possession of something that might interest you." The Squire was almost bouncing with excitement as he placed the small, neatly wrapped package on the table in front of him.

"Oh no, not one of your rude little carvings again. I told you, Trelawney, once you've seen one, you've seen them a-" Livesey was cut off by his friend, who raised a hand to silence the Doctor and his smile, somehow, grew wider over his plump face.
"This is not one of those. This is something entirely different."

"Good. If I saw one more phallic pieces of jasper, I swore I was going to move to Jamaica."

"Shh! Take a look!" The Squire slowly slid the package towards Livesey, who slowly reached for it with his gloved hands. After delicately fingering the string free of it's knot, he unfurled the hessian and stared at the contents in silence for a moment. Trelawney almost held his breath waiting for a reaction from the large man in front of him.

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