𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝗼𝐧𝐞.

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shakira knocked on gavyn's apartment door, excited to see him after an exhausting day of work and meetings. after a few seconds, she heard shuffling coming from the other side of the door before it was opened up.

she came face to face with the only person she'd wanted to see all day. she didn't say a word, only jumping up to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

"well hello there." he lets out an airy laugh, accepting her hug fully, squeezing her sides. "glad to know you missed me." he teases.

shakira rolls her eyes, pulling away. "and that's enough to fill your ego for the next millennia."

"how was your day?" gavyn asks as shakira makes her way into his apartment, plopping down on his couch.

"busy as hell, meeting with brands and all that nonsense. do we have to talk about that right now though? i kinda just wanna sit down and cuddle with my boyfriend after a long day." she says sheepishly.

gavyn gives her a look, knowing this was her way of deflecting her real stress and tiredness so she didn't have to voice it. nonetheless, he wouldn't deny her of her wishes, sliding onto the couch beside her, letting her rest her head on his chest.

they sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, just enjoying being in the others arms.

"you know i love you right? like seriously." gavyn speaks up, not really knowing what was going to happen next.

"mhmm of course, i love you too." shakira responds with a smile. she didn't think anything of it, they always expressed their love for each other like that, a reminder never hurt anyone. right?

"i'm serious, shakira. no matter what happens in the future, i'll always love you, even as friends, okay?" he says, a bit more seriousness in his voice.

this causes shakira to lift her head, looking up at gavyn with a suspicious expression. "of course gavyn, same for me— why are you talking like some bad shit's about to pop off." she questions.

"nothing i'm just....nevermind it doesn't matter" he deflects, not sure he wants to conversation to go in the direction it's headed.

"no, gavyn don't do that, if there's something wrong tell me." shakira is now sitting up, facing gavyn with a concerned face.

gavyn looks in her eyes, almost looking for a sign that he should back out, but finds none, letting out a sigh.

"i've just been doing a lot of thinking."

"about...." shakira edges him to continue.

"us i guess. i just feel like things have been different the past few months." gavyn says, making shakira's eyebrows furrow.

"what do you mean different?"

gavyn looks at her, unspoken words edging at his tongue. it doesn't take long for shakira to read him, quickly putting two and two together.

"gavyn.....don't tell me this is about-"

"it is." he sighs, sitting up slightly. "look i didn't want to tell you this because i know how you'll react and i don't want you to take this out on him."

"what about him?" shakira's voice gets heavier, her eyes squinting at her boyfriend.

"vinnie and i talked."

"okay, that's great. you're friends now, i expect you to talk." shakira nods her head, suspicion still boiling within her.

"well, the only reason we really became friends is because we're had an honest conversation about, well you." gavyn reveals.

shakira had a feeling she knew where this was leading and she didn't know if she was liking it.

"i don't want to speak for him, i won't take his opportunity to tell you how he really feels, so all i'll say is.....we finally found a common ground."

"gavyn are you seriously letting what everyone else is saying about my ex effect our relationship?" shakira questions.

"no. i know us and i know how we feel about each other, but i also know you and i know how you feel about him." gavyn tilts his head, giving shakira a knowing look.

"i-i don't know what you're talking about." shakira winces to herself as she stutters.

"shakira. i love you, and you love me, right?"

"oh course." she agrees immediately.

"and we'd never lie to each other, correct?" shakira nods her head slowly.

"so then if i ask you if you still have feelings for vinnie, you won't lie to me, right?"

shakira's breath catches. she'd be lying if she said she hadn't thought about her feelings for the boy recently, hell it's been on of the things at the top of her brain for a while now, but that didn't make it any harder to admit, especially knowing she already had someone who had her at the top of his mind.

"gavyn...." she trails, her tone sounding guilty.

"it's okay. i honestly kind of knew for a while, but i was hoping we could get past it, or that i could get past it, but i would hate myself for holding you back from someone you truly wanna be with." gavyn gives her a tight lipped smile.

"what did he say to you? i swear if he did this just to drive us apart—"

"he didn't say anything." gavyn interrupts her before she gets into her own head. something he knew she often did when she was overwhelmed.

"he didn't have to. like i said, i know you and i know that you deserve him, and he deserves you. there's obviously history there and unfinished business that i can't get in the way of." he sets his hand comfortably on her thigh.

there was a beat of silence as shakira finally let his words sink in. she was mad, she was sad, she was irritated, she was every emotion, but deep down she knew he was right. she—like him, knew for a while. she knew how she felt for vinnie, but she was afraid of letting what she had with gavyn go, because it was so so good.

although it was, she couldn't go on much longer, living in something what was comfortable and loving, but untrue to herself all at the same time. it's just a shame it took gavyn for her to finally acknowledge it.

"gavyn, i'm so sorry." she looks down, grabbing his hand from her thigh and rubbing her fingers across his knuckles.

"don't be. hey, look at me." he smiles tugs at her hand slightly to get her attention.

she finally looks into his eyes, tears prickling at her eyes, mirroring his.

"i'm okay, and you will be too, as soon as you're honest with yourself about how you feel." gavyn gives her a small smile.

"so what, is this it? are we....." she trails off, not wanting to finish her sentence, as it was almost as similar to finishing them.

"yeah. we are." gavyn nods his head, his expression dropping, his head following. it was unspoken between the two, but they both knew, and deep down they both agreed.


shakira looks up to gavyn again, her eyebrows raised, wondering what could possibly be his next sentence, and of course, it was the most gavyn thing he could say.

"i love you."

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