𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. narrative

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SHAKIRA SAT ALONE in her room, watching reruns of her favorite tv show. this had been her daily cycle for about a week now, seeing as her friends were busy being a couple on their own, and her boyfriend had been away on a modeling job for about a week.

she was also trying to stay off of social media for bit, trying to let the whole "the entire internet finding out you dated the most wanted tiktok boy" situation die down. shakira hadn't picked up her filming camera in almost 3 days, and she knew that was bad, but she just didn't feel the motivation she usually did for her everyday job.

suddenly she hears a knock at her apartment door, a look of confusion crossing her face. nobody stopped by her house without a warning most of the time, so who was knocking now?

she threw on a pair of pajamas shorts, making her way to the door. she looks through the peephole, her eyes immediately lighting up when she sees who it is.

shakira throws the door open, jumping into her boyfriend of a year and a half's arms. gavyn chuckles lowly, catching her, his bags falling to his side. "hey, babe." he laughs, as she pulls her face away from his neck, looking at him with the biggest smile.

"i thought you weren't coming back for another week?" shakira asks, still confused on how he was even here. "should i just leave—because I can." gavyn jokes, pretending to pick up his bags.

she quickly protests, rolling her eyes playfully at his sarcasm. "shut up, you know what i mean." she laughs.

"some stuff got rescheduled, so i got to come back early and i couldn't wait to see you." he explains, kissing her softly on the lips.

after being in the hallways for some time, shakira finally lets gavyn inside her apartment, and he puts his things down.

as shakira heads to the living room, gavyn close behind her, he finally brought up what she hoped he wouldn't. "i saw that post about you and that vinnie guy." he says, watching his girlfriend lazily plop down on the couch.

"oh did you?" she jokes, hoping to lighten the sudden tense mood. "yeah, i did." he says, clearly not falling for it.

"it was a long time ago, like two years ago, so it's pretty much irrelevant." shakira waves off the subject, not wanting to go deeper into it. she turns on the tv, surfing through the channels. "you wanna watch a movie or something?" she asks, throwing her legs over gavyn's thighs.

gavyn pulls shakira's legs, causing her to move closer to him. she lets a squeal, laughing when he pulls her into him. she straddles his lap, his hands subconsciously resting on her thighs. "i asked if you wanted to watch a movie, idiot." shakira repeats, looking down at gavyn, her hands rested on the sides of his neck.

"no, i don't. I just wanna sit here and stare at you, because face-time never does you justice." he responds, kissing the tip of her nose, making her smile.

"creep." she mutters, closing the gap between them, their lips connecting. "excuse me for loving my beautiful girlfriend." he teases against her lips.

shakira ignores him, deepening their kiss. soon, gavyn's hands start to roam, going under her shirt. he pulls away, the subject of shakira's ex, still on his mind. "what?" shakira asks, confused on why he pulled away from her.

"why didn't you tell me about him?" gavyn questions, making her roll her eyes. she throws her head back, sighing.

shakira catches her breath, coming down from the high she was just on. "it wasn't important." she says simply, but that answer wasn't enough for gavyn.

"kira, when we first started dating we laid out all of our baggage, and we talked about all of our exes to avoid situations like this." he reminds her of the conversation they had late at night when they first started dating. there were tears, anger, and a lot of of comforting, but it was refreshing for the both of them nonetheless.

"why does it have to be a situation?" shakira asks. gavyn sighs, his girlfriend's stubbornness showing. it was cute sometimes, but in situations like this, when he was trying to have a serious conversation with her, it got kind of annoying.

"because, clearly you didn't tell me about him for a reason." he says, regretting his words, as soon as she moves from off of his lap, sitting on her end of the couch again.

"yeah, there's a reason, because that was a time in my life that I don't want to reminisce on. plus, i haven't spoken to him in like a year, so he honestly slipped my mind." she explains curtly.

"you were still talking when we started dating?" gavyn asks, trying to put pieces together.

"yes, because we wanted to try and at least be friends, because we still cared for each other, but it didn't work out so we stopped talking. It was never that serious gavyn, i promise. if it was, you'd know about it." shakira explains, getting frustrated at just the mention of her exes name.

gavyn took notice of this, recoiling the cold attitude that was forming inside of him. "hey, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to frustrate you, i was just curious." he apologizes, rubbing her leg that was on his lap.

"it's fine, i just don't particularly like talking about him is all, and i get it. you have every right to be concerned about it, and i'm sorry i didn't tell you." she responds, smiling over at him.

he smiles back at her, sighing deeply. "this isn't how i wanted to spend my first day back with you. we can watch whatever you want, as long as it's not—"

"rapunzel!" shakira finishes his sentence.

"absolutely not." gavyn shakes his head, moving over to lay on her chest.

"you're just mad that flynn rider is hotter than you." shakirA shrugs, knowing that would shut him up.

"just put it on."

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how we liking gavyn?? i actually really like him lmaooo but that may be because i have pre written chapters so i know what he's like more LMAO but i swear he matches shakira's energy so well i think y'all will like him more as you read.

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