Bayley x Female Reader

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(Requested by @rhearipleyswife1011 ,Hope you enjoy!)

I never liked Bayley. Her and I never got along, we always got into arguments and we're always fighting. But the thing is I hated her as much as I was in love with her.

Bayley and I had this rivalry going on. She the heel, I was the babyface. I hated working with her, absolute hatred. She was so difficult and whenever I actually tried to be nice, she would just say something nasty and walk away.

I wish this stupid feeling of love for her would just go away.

Shotzi and I were just having a chat about our match later tonight. But then, out of all the people that had to interrupt us, it had to be Bayley.

"Sorry to interrupt your guys conversation but, I'm gonna be interfering and attacking," Bayley stops to look me up and down, "you." She finishes smiling sarcastically. "Wish I didn't have to deal with you." She states.

"Bayley, get this over with so I don't have to see you anymore?." I roll my eyes as she starts talking about what's gonna happen and what she'll do.

After Bayley was done with her rant, she finally leaves and goes back to Dakota and Iyo. "How do you hate her?" Shotzi asks me. "Cause she's just the worst, she is an annoying little," Shotzi cuts me off, "And how do you like her at the same time? Is it a hate crush thing or something else?"

I'd stand there trying to find something to say. "I'm not sure about the crush part. I hate her so much that it's impossible to have a "crush" on her." I'd start ranting, "Yes, she has good hair, good wrestling ability, very cute and has a hell of a good body- oh my gosh." I finish my rant, realizing that I might be in love with Bayley.

Shotzi just nods her head while I leave to go to my locker room.

"I still hate her guts!" I'd yell to Shotzi. She just laughs and enters catering. I'd run my hands through my hair and rub my face. What the hell am I gonna do.

It was almost Shotzi and I's match. Bayley was supposed to interfere towards the end of the match and Shotzi would roll me up and get the win. That was supposed to happen.

It was about time for Bayley to interfere. I just hit Shotzi with my signature and I was on the top rope when Bayley came running out. Iyo was also there and she distracted the ref. Then, Bayley grabbed my left leg and made me trip off the top turnbuckle. That didn't go into plan though because I fell awkwardly off the top turnbuckle and then I heard a crack.

Suddenly, I was in extreme pain. Shotzi, thankfully rolled me up and it was the quick 3 count. But still, my leg was still in pain and some of the medical staff came to check on me.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Bayley mouthing "I'm Sorry!". Tears filled my eyes while anger rose in my chest. How could she be so careless? All she could say was sorry? Without thinking, I stuck the middle finger at her and paid my attention back to the medical staff who carried me out.

Currently, I was getting information on my broken leg that Bayley broke. I was supposed to be out 3 and a half months.

I was so devastated, and it didn't help any better that Bayley entered the room.

"Look," Bayley started but I cut her off. "I am so pissed at you right now." I stated, turning to look at Bayley.

"It was an accident! Your stubborn ass kept zoning out during the conversation I had with you and Shotzi that you didn't even listen to what could have happened!" Bayley tells me, defending herself. 

"Oh! So it is my fault that I have this broken leg. Great!" I shouted at Bayley. Bayley was getting on my last nerve.  Her hair looks messy, and again that fucking body- SNAP OUT OF IT!

"Look, I tried saying I was sorry but then, you just flipped me off!" Yea I did do that.

"Because I was mad at you for BREAKING MY LEG!" I yelled, now very angry with Bayley.

"Oh please, you played a part in it too! Gosh you are so stubborn and annoying, WHY DO I HAVE TO BE PAIRED WITH YOU?!" Bayley exclaims.

"OH YOU THINK IT IS GREAT WORKING WITH YOU TOO? I hate working with you, I dread every single Friday and I dread seeing you every day." I state. Bayley was quiet after that.

I tried to be the bigger person in this by also stating, "I'm sorry I flipped you off." Bayley just looks at with disgust and hatred, I almost flipped her off right there.

Bayley and I were quiet for a while, none of us daring to say a single word. Until I asked Bayley a question.

"Why did you even come to check up on me?"

Bayley was again quiet. But after a little bit, she answered.

"I was worried." Bayley stated. "In what fucking world?' I asked, responding quickly. Bayley let out a sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Look I was just worried." Okay." Bayley says. I'd grin a little bit. She was worried about me? 

"Someone's got a little crush on me." I'd jokingly say, poking her a bit. Trying to lighten up the mood.

"And so?" Bayley looked up at me, leaning down on one of the mini tables. "So what if I do have a crush on you. What are you gonna do?"


Was she implying that she had a- crush on me?! I'm not complaining but WHAT?!

"You hate me." I whispered to Bayley in shock. Bayley scoffed and started explaining the situation.

"I hated you, keyword, hated. During NXT I hated you so much but after NXT, all an act." All an act?

"And now, I have some unfinished business to do." Before I could ask what the unfinished business was. Bayley's lips were on mine. They so just- soft and they tasted like cherry. I kissed back immediately when I gained awareness. Someone opening the door was when me and Bayley broke apart.

"Looks like I interrupted something." Shotzi says, raising her hands before leaving. Dammit Shotzi.

Bayley looked at me weird and I just blushed. 

"Y/N." Bayley tries to get my attention and it works. "Yeah?" I ask, turning towards her. Bayley stops for a minute before asking me a question.

"You wanna go get some dinner with me this weekend?" I smiled and blushed like a high school girl getting asked out by her crush... wait- that's happening right now just not the high school part.

"Are you asking me out on a date Bayley?" I ask her, still smiling pretty hard. "Yes, yes I am Y/N." Bayley states, crossing her arms.

"Then I would love to go on a date with you!" I exclaimed going in for a kiss again which Bayley gladly returned.

"I'm still mad at you for breaking my leg." 


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