Liv Morgan x Female reader

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(Happy pride! This takes place back when Liv was champion.)

Liv was so smitten. Like REALLY smitten.

That's what Dakota said though. She knew Dakota was right, she was smitten.
The girl Liv was so smitten with? None other than Y/N Reigns. Yes, the famous sister of Roman Reigns. Former NXT women's champion who just got called up to smackdown. Liv had been friends with Y/N before Y/N's callup to the main roster and both still continue to thrive in their friendship. Although, Liv wishes they were more...

Currently, Liv and Dakota were having a conversation about the match card for smackdown. While Dakota was discussing her match, Liv noticed something in the corner of her eye. She turned around to see Y/N talking to Isla dawn. Liv couldn't help but feel jealous, but she also noticed that Y/N didn't look good. 

"I swear- if you don't confess to her," Dakota says. "I will, I will! I promise." Liv states. "But do you notice anything odd?" Liv continues concerned.

"Other than you being jealous, Y/N doesn't look to good right now." Dakota expresses. Y/N was always grumpy. She never really smiled and she was usually quiet. Liv was quite the opposite. She was always optimistic, always smiling, she was literally a ray of sunshine. You know what they say, opposite attract. 

"After they're done with their conversation, I'm going to check up on Y/N." Liv tells Dakota. Dakota nods before asking Liv, "Doesn't she have a N1C match for the smackdown women's championship? Which, you are the smackdown women's champion." Dakota says. 

Liv looks back at Y/N for a second before looking back at Dakota. "I hope she wins." Liv says quietly. Dakota smirks before telling Liv, "Isla is done talking to your girl." Liv looks back to see Y/N rubbing her face. 

"Bye." Liv says to Dakota before speed walking towards Y/N. "Go get your girl!" Dakota says. 

"Hey." Y/N says groggy, continuing to rub her face. Liv smiles. Anything this woman can do will make Liv smile.

"Hey, you good?" Liv asks concerned. Y/N nods her head. Liv knows she's lying, but she doesn't wanna piss her off. "I see you didn't straighten your hair today." Liv comments. 

"Yea, I just didn't feel like straightening my hair today." Y/N motions to her hair. Liv smiles again before telling Y/N, "You know, I like when you don't straighten your hair. Good luck on your match." Liv walks away before stopping and turning back around.

"Hey, do you wanna go get some coffee tomorrow?" Liv asks, clasping her hands together. Y/N looks down at the ground before looking back up at Liv. "Yeah, why not? I don't have anything planned." Y/N answers. Liv can almost see a grin appear on her face.

After the show, Liv and Dakota are walking towards their rental car, talking and having fun. Soon they enter the car, and Dakota starts driving towards the nearest hotel. Liv nervously bites her finger nails while thinking about something.

"Spill." Dakota tells Liv. Liv sighs before telling Dakota. "I asked Y/N if she wanted to get some coffee. Spoiler, she said yes, and now I am scared."

Dakota's eyes widen before saying, "That's not what I expected... But okay." Liv bites her lip. What was she going to do? Literally standing next to Y/N, made her nervous. But god, everything about Y/N made Liv want to crumble to the floor and worship the ground she walked on.

Dakota and Liv arrive at the hotel and get their room keys. While they're about to enter the room, Liv sees Y/N slouched down in the hallway.

Liv, immediately runs towards Y/N. "Y/N are you okay?" Liv asks concerned. Dakota shortly arrived after.  Y/N just shakes her head before rubbing her face.

Liv can see the tears forming in her eyes. She has never seen Y/N cry. "You can stay in Liv's room." Dakota suggests. "Can I?" Y/N asks, turning towards Liv. "Of course!" Liv answers quickly.

Y/N struggles to stand up on her own. Liv notices this and carries her, bridal style. Dakota notices a blush appear on both Y/N and Liv. "Alright, don't have to much fun lovebirds." Dakota says before walking away towards her room.

Liv says bye to Dakota and enters the room with Y/N in her arms.

Y/N slowly wakes up to see Liv making 2 cups of coffee. Y/N emerges from the bed and walks towards the kitchen.

"Good morning! I made us some coffee." Liv tells Y/N in such a cheerful tone. Y/N never really liked cheerful people, they just showed to much optimism and it wasn't really Y/N's thing. But with Liv, it was different.

Y/N loved how cheerful she was. She loved how Liv would always smile and show so much optimism. She just loved Liv.

"Thank you."  Y/N says quietly before drinking some of the coffee.

Liv looks done at the floor before putting her coffee. "I do have tell you something though." Liv says quietly.

Y/N puts her coffee down and chuckles. "What are you going to tell me? That your in love with me." Y/N says sarcastically. Liv is shocked. She know Y/N meant it as sarcasm but she was actually right. "About that.." Liv says, trying to be calm.

"Wait- what?" Y/N asks, turning around. "I was joking!." Y/N exclaims. "I know I'm sorry! I know you don't like me back, but-" Liv explains. Yea I don't like you. "Why would I like you? Cause I don't like you. I love you, and not in a friendly way." Y/N explains in a straight but smiling a little at the end.

Liv's jaw drops. She was so confused.  She was happy, but she didn't think Y/N would like her back. Well, love her, in Y/N's words. "How are you just so, chill about this?" Liv asks shaking her head. Y/N was always calm, but this? How?

Y/N shrugs her shoulders. "Please this," She motions to her body. "Is all acting. Really, I have been waiting for this moment since I've met you." Y/N explains, walking up towards Liv. "And I'm  also waiting for a kiss." Y/N says, parting her lips.

"Oh really?" Liv asks, laughing a bit. "Really." Y/N says before bringing Liv in for a kiss.

Almost immediately, Liv kisses back. After a few minutes, Liv pulls away smiling. Y/N sneaks in a tiny smile.

"You know," Liv starts, bringing Y/N more closer to her. "I hope your the one who takes my championship." Liv finishes, bringing Y/N in for one final kiss. 

"Extreme rules is almost here and, I got a match with Shayna on smackdown, with you on commentary." Y/N says, finally showing her full smile.

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