Chapter 10

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June 9th

Swimming was just like training in the way that they pushed you until you almost drowned. They differences were that it was in pool (no, really?) and that we did it with the V1s.

Obviously, they left us in the dirt. I was a pretty good swimmer, but I'm no match for someone who's been training their whole life. Gloria was close to me in skills, but Fay doesn't even know how to swim!

So basically, we sucked.

When we got back to the dorm, one of the best surprises in our life was there.



Translation: Oh my gosh Lea you're alive oh my gosh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Gloria did this high-pitched squeal/scream thing. "Lea!"

"Lea! Yes! You're alive!" I exclaimed, then proceeded to go crazy.

Lea jumped up from the bed she was sitting on and jumped up. "Guys!" she ran over to us and hugged us. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"So did we," said Guoria with deep emotion.

I realized how glad I was to have my friend back. It was like this huge weight being lifted off of my shoulders. I wasn't consciously worrying about her ('cause it would drive me crazy) but it's been hanging there in the back of my mind.

"Oh, Lea," I murmured. The group hug broke up and I playfully flicked her ponytail.

She turned on me. "I despise you!" Classic Lea.

"So, what happened?" Fay asked.

Guoria cleared her throat. "A long, long time ago, in a cat's belly far, far, away, a Hobbit was born. And it said, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' Elementary, my dear Watson!"

"That was not what happened. This is what happened."


Lea woke up in an operating room. She tried to sit up, but she was strapped down. A doctor walked over to her.

"Hello, Miss Hildebrand."

"How do you know my name?"

"Your father told me," he said simply.

"What does my dad have to do with you?" Lea was confused, and a bit suspicious. No, I'll take that back. Very suspicious.

"He used to work here. He never told you?"

It all clicked into place. Lea took a deep breath and started her rant. "Okay, first of all, I know that's not true. That's just the kind of thing bad guys say in books. I can't believe you's be dumb enough to try to pull that on me. If you really knew my dad, you'd know that I read enough to know that you're lying, trying to make me unconfortable. You don't even know my dad's name!"

"Th-that's... classified," he stuttered.

Lea laughed. "Keep telling yourself that. Now, how do I get out of here?"

"That's also classified," he said with more confidence.

"Oh. Okay." But Lea got up and walked out of the room anyways.

"Hey! Come back here!" yelled the doctor. Lea started running. No matter how confident she acted, she was super scared.

She heard more footsteps and guessed that there were guards chasing after her. Suddenly she felt a painful poke in her back and knew it was sedative. She does read a lot, after all.

Lea fell to her knees and collapsed onto the ground. The doctor approached her. She burst out laughing.

"What?!" he snapped.

"The doctor! The Doctor! You're Doctor Who!" She laughed so hard that she could barely breathe.

"Get the injections ready," the doctor ordered. "Better do it while she's out."

And everything went black.


"You seriously said that?!" As usual, I was trying to block out the bad part.

"Said what?" asked Lea, confused.

"The Doctor Who thing!"

She laughed. "I can't believe it either." She became more serious. "Just goes to show what sedatives do to you."

"What do they want us for?" asked Fay.

"Well they've made it pretty clear that they're experimenting on us," Lea said flatly.

I went into a bathroom and ripped off a piece of toilet paper. I rummaged through the drawers until I found a pen. What a pen was doing in the bathroom, I don't know.

I returned to the main room with the cots and laid down on the floor so I could use it as a writing surface. This is what it was for:

Me: So what do we know?

Gloria: About what?

Me: Them. This place. Their experiments.

Gloria: Not a lot.

Fay: Well, they've already experimented on one group of girls. The V1s.

Gloria: And they want to experiment on us, too and compare us.

Fay: And they're training us for something.

Me: That too.

Fay: And they don't have cookies.

Everyone: *glares*

Lea: I think that the experimentation isn't all at once. Like, there's multiple stages of it.

Me: What do you mean?

Lea: Well, we all woke up in what looked like hospital rooms, right? And they probably experimented on us there.

Me: *shudders* They did.

Lea: Yeah. But then they took me and gave me some sort of an injection, which was probably like Stage 2 of the experiment.

Gloria: Wait. We didn't tell you that we woke up in hospital rooms.

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