13. No One Gets Left Behind

Start from the beginning

" I do suppose you're right. I shouldn't take your kindness for granted. You had no obligation to help me."

" So it's a yes?"

" Don't get too cocky, I didn't say that. "

" Then?"

" How about an outing instead?  I don't sell myself short and both my presence and respect are not up for bargain but rather a prize you must work to earn."

" What do you have in mind?" he asked curiously.

" Well, I was always fascinated by astrology, you are well-documented in the topic and the stars did shift from 500 years ago. How about we meet around 19:00 in the desert and you teach me about the constellations? But I must be home by 22:00 as Uma gets worried."

Hao grabs her hand intertwining their fingers.

" Sounds lovely, I would be more than happy to share my knowledge with you."

" I shall see you around 19:00 then. Good day to you, mr.Asakura."

" Good day to you ladies." he walked away giving Romina one last smirk.

Lusamin walks to her.

" Did he hurt you, dear?"

" No!" Romina puffed her checks" , bec'use he knew I would kick 'is ass!"

" Glad you're safe," she put a hand on her shoulder," You were very brave protecting everyone here. I am proud of you."

Romina's face flushed a bright pink against her tanner complexion. She, like most of her team were somewhat deprived of affection in their life, and being praised by someone as strong as Lusamin, whom they all look up to, was sort of a big deal. They were friends but despite being the youngest she was more like a big sister to them all.

" Thank you ohimesama, are you going to meet alone with that creep?"

" I made a promise, you all know that lies aren't reasonable. Besides, I can stand up to him."

" But what if it's a trap and he hurts you ohimesama?!" Minka gasps loudly rushing to embrace her. " Miyu will be destroyed!"

    Miyu Tao, their best friend, was still in the hospital recovering from the dispute with the X-law and their delusional leader. It was unknown what happened with her yokai, who turned out to be the sister she desperately looked for, but until the girl woke up it was hard to tell.

" We should prepare to go visit Miyu," Tessa pointed out since they hadn't seen the girl in almost two days.

It wasn't that they didn't want to, but Len started a big scandal that the whole X-law incident wouldn't have happened if Miyu had been home as he instructed and the matter turned into a private problem of the Tao dynasty,  with the reminder that Miyu, once of age, must birth an heir to Len's bloodline.

They had at least 7 more years for that to happen but the boy didn't want to listen to reason and demanded that they all leave for him and Miyu to converse with Tao family heads and decide her fate. Which, despite their refusal was also Miyu's wish, and she asked her friends to listen to Len.

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