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It was another long day. The whole team sat before the whiteboard trying to figure out the case and the connections. The room was filled with tension. Especially between Ipek and Sahin. Their bickering was elevated, though the team had already got used to it. Ideas came and went. Sahin finally lost it and hit the table angrily demanding results, then stormed into his office. Ipek stood up and went after him. She closed the door and went straight to him and asked:
- What was that about? I get, that you are frustrated, but lashing out on your colleagues is not a solution. Do you want to talk about what's really bothering you? You really should not suppress your feelings. It's not healthy.

Sahin clearly was angry. He looked at her, his eyes piercing into her soul. Suddenly he stood up, making Ipek back up. He towered over her, putting his hands on the cabinet on both sides, locking her in.

- Do you want to talk? Let's talk. Let's talk about hypocrisy. Let's talk about suppressed feelings... Do you want to lecture me? When I took you home that night, after dancing, after kissing, after walking hand in hand all evening... Who thanked me and acted like it was out of pity, if it meant nothing? I might not be a psychologist, but I can read people, I can read body language. I felt it in your kiss, the way we were dancing. It meant something to you. And what did you do? You went inside thanking me that I was "kind" and "patient" about your freak out.

They were just millimeters apart, they felt each other breath. Ipek saw how his chest rose and fell. She looked into his eyes and she saw the pain of rejection deep behind the anger. She bowed down her head ashamed, cause he was right. Sahin stepped back, not being able to stay that close to her. He left the office hurriedly. Ipek gathered herself then ran after him. The team just smiled. He heard that she called his name, he heard the clicks of her high heels, but didn't stop. He really didn't have enough strength to face her. She fell and cried out. Sahin immediately turned back and ran to her, asking if she was okay. He saw her tears, no matter how she tried to hide. He gently checked her ankle, but it was already swollen. He picked her up and took her to his car. He was worried and felt guilty. If only he stopped and waited for her. Ipek heard his grumbles about her shoes and that she really should start to wear flats... She did not get offended, first, he had a point, second she knew him better now, and knew he said these things to cover up his worry. He drove to the hospital to make her leg checked. He kept picking her up and bringing her to everywhere. Not that Ipek minded, she held him tight resting her head on his shoulder. She felt safe in his arms.
- I'm sorry - She whispered into his neck.
- What for? - came the quick reply.
- Everything - she sighed - To be too scared therefore acted stupidly, to let you believe our evening didn't mean anything to me. I'm sorry not to say good bye properly that night.
- And what would that be? Sahin smiled at the woman in her arms. Ipek lifted her head and kissed into his beard.
- Hmmmmm, it still wouldn't be proper... I expected something more like this... - he lifted her little further and gave her a kiss.
The patients at the hospital cheered. Ipek hided her face into his neck, but he just smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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