chapter 5

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Tanjiro was being put on trial to see if he was a danger to the Demon Slayer Corp.

Present time:

3rd person P.O.V:

"May I master?" A guy with scars asked. "Yes Sanami" the man who Tanjiro assumes is the master said. The scarred guy now known as Sanami came over to where Tanjiro was and made Tanjiro stand up. The chains that were holding Tanjiro came along with him just long enough for Tanjiro to stand but not long enough to attack people.

Sanami then took his sword and cut his arm. Blood was now leaking from the open wound. Tanjiro flinched when he cut his arm and look at Sanami like he was crazy. Tanjiro ripped his hands right out of the cuffs and...

Cliffhanger >:)

Tanjiro ripped his hands out of the cuffs and they grew back. The slayers thought he was going to attack Sanami but instead, he ripped a piece of his kimono off and wrapped it around sanami's open cut. He made sure it wasn't going anywhere before sitting back down in a corner. All the hashira were taken aback by this.

"The demon has passed the trial, he will not be hurt by any slayers," the master said with a smile. Sanami returned to his spot after Tanjiro returned to his. All the hashira look at Tanjiro as Tanjiro spaced out. He couldn't help but feel like he was being watched so he looked at the hashira and smiled at them from under the muzzle. All of them blushed and looked away as they started leaving.

(A.N: And that's it for chapter 5 I hope you enjoy reading it. Anygays, I hope you all have a great day/evening/night, remember to drink water about 4 bottles a day or more, and have a good night's rest so you are not tired in the morning (unlike me lol). see you guys in the next chapter! Goodbye, my little authors!)

332 words~

The demon that plays the flute - Tanjiro haremWhere stories live. Discover now