Movie night

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The triplets decided to have a movie night to watch the new little mermaid, and your boyfriend Matt decided to invite you. You decided to change in to some more comfortable clothes rather then your dress then head over.

You finally get to the triplets house and when you knock on the door your boyfriend greets you.

"Hey babe, come in."

You walk In the house and Matt grabs your hand then leads you to the living room. When you walk in you see a assortment of snacks laid out on the coffee table.

"Hey Y/N!" nick says then runs over to you to give you a hug.

You and the triplets have been friends for awhile. But Nick has always been your best friend out of the group. Until you started dating Matt of course.

"Matt wouldnt stop looking out the window waiting for you" Chris laughs

You think it's really cute how Matt acts. He's not the type of guy that acts like he doesn't care or just play everything cool. He's really shy and shows how much he cares about you no matter who's around. It's one of your favorite parts about him. He's just so sweet.

"Okay okay enough I wanna watch the movie"
Matt says as you guys go sit on the couch.

Chris starts the movie as Nick opens a pack of skittles (taste the rainbow 😏) and you and Matt snuggle into each other under a blanket.

- lil time skip-

You guys are a little over halfway through the movie and Matt is dead asleep on your shoulder.

You realize he might be more comfortable upstairs so you tell the boys your gonna take him upstairs.

You wake him up and tell him that you guys are going upstairs and you lead him up to his room. As soon as he gets up their he flops on his bed and tiredly pats the bed.

"But I should go back down with the boys" you say as your about to leave the room.

"Nooo stay please" he pouts

He's so cute when he's tired so you give in. You lay down on the bed and scooch closer to Matt. You guys snuggle into each other once again and he gives you a lazy kiss on the forehead and you both drift to sleep.

After the movie ends Chris and nick wonder where you guys went so they run up to Matt's room and see you guys asleep. They take a picture then close the door and leave you guys be.

Sorry if this is ass I didn't know what to write I'm so tired and its 3 am 😭 AND PLEASE GIVE REQUESTS

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Sorry if this is ass I didn't know what to write I'm so tired and its 3 am 😭 AND PLEASE GIVE REQUESTS

And sorry it's short I think I'm a lot better at writing smut

I just thought the skittles was funny sense yk nicks gay... You understand

476 words

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