But she was so worried about those two dumbasses losing her country. 

Losing their home. 

She put her hands inside her pockets, walking down the pathway leading to nowhere. 

The sky was bright that day, with the air having a faint sense of rain coming soon.

 Like the darker clouds just beyond the horizon. You know they're coming, but for now the skies are blue. 

And you're dry.

 And life's good, with sunlight casting your shadow as you walk.

 She looked up from her feet, eyes catching a man leaning against a tree. 

It was a tall, older oak tree that had a few signatures carved in it. 

(Don't carve your name into trees irl kids! It's bad for em :( ) 

With climbable branches, and cool shade meant for hot days with sweaty people. 

He had a cigarette in hand, slowly putting it under the lighter and breathing in the deadly smoke. 

He was a ramling like Tubbo was, with larger more grown horns. Brown hair with brown eyes, about the same height as Techno and dream. And he wore a well fitted suit, ironed and propper. 

He blew out the gray clouds, leaning his head back on the bark and closing his eyes. 

{Name} was fascinated by the new face, he seemed like-.

 Like bad news. 

But she had never really known bad news before, heaven never made easy it to meet them. But the seeming dark aura that floated around him drew her in. 

The polar opposite of her own aura. 

It was new, exciting...! And {Name} couldn't resist laying her eyes on the new being. 

He opened his eyes, now seeing the staring girl. 

And he was also fascinated. 

Polar opposites looking each other in the eyes. 

For the first time, a north and a south magnite could finally stand to be around one another.

 And pulled each other in at that! 

Her hair looked soft that day, with eyes that he never wanted to look away. 

Her lips were shaped well, and her body was the perfect size. 

She wore a dorky outfit with her wings poking out of her shirt, halo a bit tilted with a slow but glowing light. 

 They met eyes, making her send a wonky tilted smile at him and hobble her way over. For anyone else he would have laughed at them for this, and probably find it idiotic and make fun of them for it relentlessly. 

But he found it charming on her. 

Human, almost. 

It made you feel safe around her, just showing her emotions to you front up. You didn't have to worry if she was lying, at least it felt that way. 

"Hello! Are you new in town? I haven't seen you before, I'm {Name} by the way! But my friends call me limbo," 

She told him, offering a hand shake as he took it.

 She firmly gripped his hand, going up and down as his usually strong and confident shake was turned into a soft and unsure one.

 He had never felt his heart twist in a knot before.

 "The names Jschlatt, but you can call me schlatt. And yeah I'm new, just got here a day ago! I mostly came for the election, don't you find it interesting?"

 He asked her, starting off a conversation. She shrugged, attempting to stay neutral to this whole thing. 

"Politics aren't really my thing, some of my friends are running so i'll probably just vote for them," She told him as he hummed, finding it interesting. 

"Who are these people that you're planning to root for?" 

"Just Tommy and wilbur! I think changing leaders would be a big hassle so I think staying for now and letting some more time pass would be smart. I'm friends with everyone running though, I'm one of the original founders of the country. But I think the others are kinda just running out of spite soo." 

She trailed off as Schlatts ears perked up at the mention of spite. 

"You think so?" He asked her as she nodded, now sitting down next to schlatt under the oak tree.

 He also sat down, getting himself comfortable as she did the same. 

"Quakitys just running because he's mad a will, and Fundys probably just doing it to get back at his father for giving him a bad role in the government. Nikis just going along with him." 

Schaltt tilted his head at the mention of a bad role, raising an eyebrow. 

"Fundy was declared everyone's "little champion!" instead of something actually useful, and I was the "National treasure!" It was so stupid, let me tell you that. We were so pissed at will for it, I mean I could have been head of the military! And he gave me that useless role and Fundy an even worse one."

 She complained, slumping down as Schlatt chuckled at her action. 

"Head of Military?" 

"Hell yeah! Wouldn't that be sick??" She shot back up smiling, imagining the thought of having a fancy badge she walked around with.

 "I won this place independence, a duel with a dream. We both tied and traded Tommy's disks for our independence!" A silence floated between the two, schlatt lighting pushing her shoulder.

 "You know, your friends with everyone who's running except one person." He told her as she looked at him funny.

 "Who?" She responded as he chuckled, enjoying the look on her face. 


 She was taken aback, understanding what he meant.

 "Were not friends?" She asked him pouting as he laughed even more, standing up now and brushing off the dirt on his suit.

 "No, you're my head of military!"

He told her, making her eyes sparkle, a hope float around them at that name that he called her.

 "And the head of the military is a much closer person than a friend to me"

 He finished, walking off and leaving the girl with a shocked face, and a smitten look on the ram's face that she never got to see.

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