chapter 06

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It's the first day of our first show in Atlanta Georgia.

My nose is stopped up but I took some strong medicine earlier so I'd be okay to sing.

I hear the door open to our small hotel room and the girls file in, giving me weird glances.

They'd been acting like this since Scarlet caught Corbyn and I almost kissing. Of course I was ashamed but they were making it so much worse.

"We got...chipotle," Hailey hands me a bag, and jumped off like I was diseased. I know they were joking to some level, but it pissed me off either way.

"Would you guys stop it, I told you I was fucking drunk!" I snap, throwing my hands in the air but quickly opening the food bag and diving in.

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts," Adelaide explains calmly and Scarlet furiously nods her what, "what she said."

"You guys are insufferable. I hate that prick I probably thought was someone else," I say before stuffing my mouth with a Chipotle burrito.

"I had to practically pry you out of his arms even he had more sense than you in that situation," Scarlet scoffs, opening her bowl of chipotle swiftly.

"Lets stop talking about this," I groan and unwrap my burrito. 

Despite the whole Corbyn incident, I was excited to start our first show of the tour. We were opening this tour with one of my favorite songs that we've ever made and I gobbled the burrito down with glee. 

Today was going to be a great day, other than having to share the stage with the Why Don't We boys but I should probably get over that. 

We pile out of the car and walk towards the venue, Brent our manager in the lead. He starts talking to the security guard in front of the building for a few minutes which turned into fifteen. I was bored and all five of us were sitting on the park bench, hot and ready to start rehearsal. 

"The weather is so nice today," Adelaide happily smiles at the sky.

"Could be better. Plus this city stinks," Scarlet murmurs, her hand resting on the back of a park bench.

You could always count on Scarlet to complain about something. Though I can't say much because I do the same.

I started to hear angry chatters behind me and I turn to see Brent and the security guard and another person going at it. 

What the fuck?

The girls and I get up and run towards them. They seem to be arguing about something.

"You guys aren't showing here tonight! I'm sorry sir but you're going to have to leave," A lady with a clipboard in her hand toys to explain.

"What do you mean not showing here tonight? We've had this booked for months!" Brent retorts, his phone scrolling through emails. He was probably trying to find a confirmation email. 

"Ma'am excuse me. Hey. Are you sure? This is the address we were given," I frown and pull out my own phone. I look through the business group chat and show her the address.

"Yes that's this address but I promise your band isn't playing here tonight," She nods her head and the security  guards just eye us, clearly annoyed. 

My eyes widen as I notice the person who had sent us the address.

Zach Herron. 

I point to my phone, "oh my god it looks like Zach sent it. He was probably fucking lying to us!"

"No he wouldn't..." Adelaide frowns and looks at the phone.

The other two girls look shocked. 

"Brent why didn't you fix it? Don't you know where to go?" Scarlet questions the man.

"Honestly I told Randy to send me the address so I'm sorry it was my fault. I shouldn't have relied on them I guess," he stretches his head and then looks up our show online.

"No its not your fault. I knew they still couldn't be trusted. Those bitches," I say with a sour look on my face.

Brent looks wide eyed, "the correct avenue is an hour away and the show starts in forty five."

All four of the girls look at me and I look at them. First show and Why Don't We has already messed it up. I'm going to fuck them up.

Brent starts towards the car and motions towards us, and we frantically pile into it and speed off. I wondered how we were going to fix this when Brent calls the avenue.

He explains there had been a mistake and we would be close to thirty minutes late, considering we had to set up the microphones and instruments. The person didn't seem happy about it and gave Brent shit but eventually they came to an agreement. Why Don't We would just perform without us.

It wasn't ideal and it was pissing me off but there's nothing I could do so I sit quiet.


The show was a success despite its rocky start. We had a great crowd and took some pictures with them. I had to act like I wasn't totally fuming at them for what they did and it proved a challenge. 

Our fans were great, blowing kisses and screaming their hearts out to our songs. It was truly magical to be able to perform in front of people. Like always people had their large signs shipping us together which was annoying but I couldn't blame them because we always fed into those rumors. 

Much to my disgust I saw some saying Cleo + Corbyn but I just sent them smiles and kept on singing. What else could I do?

Eventually when the show was over and we were returning to our cars I finally had the chance to cuss them out.

"Why'd you guys give us the wrong address?" I snap, the boys stopping and turning around the look at me. Thankfully we were in a secluded parking lot so I didn't have to worry about the press hearing about this.

"Huh?" Jack grumbles and swaps looks with the other guys.

"Are  you blaming us for shit we didn't do again Cleo?" Corbyn walks up to me with his arms crossed.

I hadn't seen him since there other night and it was a little embarrassing. If i wasn't so mad I'd even say he looks pretty good right now. The energy between us was weird right now, his body language was normal but his eyes held something different than usual. 

"Wrong. Im blaming you for shit you did do," I hiss both of us getting more heated.

"Do you have proof?" He says icily, glowering at me.

"Yeah actually I do."

I pull out out my phone heated and go into our messages showing the boys the proof. They were fucking idiots.

"Um I didn't send that...," Zach's eyes widen in bewilderment at the text message.

He said it with such an honesty that it made my heart drop. 

What? He was just lying right?



-this is def a filler and its pretty short but...

-next chapters gonna be interesting i think...

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