Chapter 25: See Ya Later Alligator

Start from the beginning

By the time you all have reached land, you all booked it to the cabin and shut the door behind.

Sakura looked out the window to see the alligator walking outside the cabin.

"It's still out there." She announces.

"What are we going to do? We can't spend the rest of the summer cooped up in here." Kazuichi complains.

"Maybe we can wait for it to go back into the lake or something." Hina suggests.

"I mean, we got a toilet so we're good." Nekomaru adds in.

So, cue the waiting game.

3 hours had pass by when Akane felt her stomach grumbling.

"Fuck...I'm so hungry...I need meat." Akane groaned out.

"Need...doughnuts." Hina whines out.

"Is it still out there?" You asked.

Nekomaru looks outside and groans.

"Yeah, still out there." He says.

"This is getting ridiculous! At that point we need to kill that thing." Kazuichi suggests.

"Well, I do have my...wait, where's my Dagger of Despair?" Gundham asks as he pats his sides.

Teruteru looked out the window to see the dagger near the alligator.

"'re not going to be happy." Teruteru spoke in a nervous tone.

You looked at Teruteru with hungry eyes as he slowly began to turn into a cinnamon roll. Your mouth began to drool as you crawled towards him.

"Y/N? Cher? Are you alright?" Teruteru asks.


"Ow!" Teruteru exclaims as you bit his cheek.

"I'll admit, I kinda like this...but at the same time this hurts." Teruteru thought.

"Alright, alright, break it up." Nekomaru groans as he separates you from him.

"Yeah, we really gotta do something...I don't like the way how Hina's looking at me." Kazuichi speaks in a worried tone as Hina looks at him with a zombified look.

Sakura stands up.

"I'm going out there." She announces.

"What!? But it'll tear you to pieces!" You exclaimed.

"No mere alligator is mightier than me." Sakura declares with pride.

Sakura took a deep breath as she breaks down the door and charges at the alligator.

"Oh! That's going to leave a mark." Ibuki hisses out.

All you could hear was blows landing and the alligator growling.

Then...there was silence.

You all walked out of the cabin to see Sakura panting and the alligator on the ground dead.

Teruteru walks up to the alligator to examine it when...


"Ahhh! Why is everyone out to bite me!" Teruteru screams out.

The alligator began to shake Teruteru around like a ragdoll.

"I think it locked it's jaw!" Teruteru yells out as he kicks the alligator in the face.

You grabbed the alligator by the tail to pull it away from Teruteru.

"Let him go before I turn you into the world's ugliest purse!" You threatened.

Teruteru notices Gundham's dagger near him and then he reaches out for it.

"Just...a...bit...more..." Teruteru strained out as he grabbed the dagger.

You kicked the alligator in the head, knocking it out cold.

Teruteru didn't waste no time slashing the alligator across it's neck, blood was gushing out and it splattered all over Teruteru.

"Ugh, that was gross!" Teruteru gagged out.

You threw the alligator to the tree.

"Okay girl, it's dead." Ibuki chuckles out.

"Oh, great Dagger of have returned to your malicious owner." Gundham coo'ed.

"Okay, now what?" Hina asks.

Teruteru stared at the alligator, who was bled out dead on the ground, then heard his stomach growling.

"Well...who wants alligator meat?" Teruteru asks.

July 5th, 2023

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