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" I WAS RIGHT!" The next morning Jae yelled from the other side of the bed, where Younghyun was (keyword- WAS) sleeping peacefully.

"Huh- what?" He mumbled, groggy and half asleep- as Jae shoved a blindly-bright phone screen into his face.

" After I uploaded the stream highlights to my YouTube channel last night- the comments under it started going crazy to!" Jae explained in a rushed tone of voice.
" explain please." Younghyun replied, rubbing his eyes.
" It's because of YOU!" Jae responded, grabbing the other by the shoulders and shaking him slightly-
" I knew you were too beautiful- I'd have to share you with the world someday- but my heart-" Jae turned away in mock sadness, wiping away a 'tear' from his eye.
" cut the theatrics." Younghyun deadpanned as he reached for Jae's phone to see what he was so excited about.

Almost all the top comments were about him;

Anotherrando; Hey who's that at 21:45 👀?
- UrMomlol; @Anotherrando, Jae called him Brian- he mentions him a lot in streams, so that must be his roommate?

IMissedTheJoke; The guy at 21:45 is super handsome ❤️❤️❤️

ImBadAtUsernames; THE GUY AT 21:44 😍😍😍

StanWhoeverIdc; Guys, we been knew all Jae's friends are hot 😌

Younghyun continued scrolling through the comments section, only to find more and more comments about him.
" Okay, Brian, I know you look shocked- it's weird to see so many strangers calling you gorgeous on the internet. Believe me I struggle with it every day but-" Jae cut off his sentence seeing Younghyun death glare at his joke.
" They already found my Instagram." Younghyun, now on his own phone, noticing the influx in notifications.
He didn't know exactly how to feel. It couldn't be anything serious right? They're bound to leave him alone soon, and maybe he could get more people to check out his music that way.
Plus compliments never hurt.
After making a few more rationalizations in his head he turned to Jae, who for some reason looked a bit nervous.
" I mean- a few more Instagram followers never hurts, and the pick up lines are pretty creative." Younghyun smiled.
" you mean, you don't mind being introduced to my fans?" Jae asked, a bit reculent.
"Of course not." Younghyun still didn't enjoy being on camera- but seeing Jae's eyes light up made it worth it.
The next day, when Jae was streaming again, Younghyun heard the other call for him-
" Well since you guys won't stop asking for Brian- here he is."
Younghyun stepped into the room a bit awkwardly, walking up to stand near Jae.
" Um, Hi my name's Younghyun-"
"Brian!" Jae interrupted with a playful smile.
" Younghyun. Or Brian, but I prefer Younghyun." He finished his introduction with a strained smile.
Jae was leaning closer to one of his monitors in order to read the comment- strangely he had adopted slightly concerned frown.
" Hm- What's wrong?" Younghyun asked, nothing the other's concerned expression.

" Hey, why do you guys keep calling Brian my roommate?" He asked, glancing up to the webcam.

Younghyun realized that all the comments from earlier did seem to refer to him as simply Jae's roommate or friend but he thought nothing of it.

" Wait please don't tell me, you've never mentioned it." Younghyun turned to Jae, realization hitting with a look of shock and disbelief.

" No- I definitely have, I must've." Jae replied frantically, as if he was also trying to convince himself.

" Guys, Brian is my boyfriend. Not my roommate, not my friend. We've been dating for three years; there is no way in hell I didn't mention it." Jae finally declared .

The chat blew up.

" No way- look at the chat- you really never mentioned that you had a boyfriend." Younghyun laughed in disbelief. He knew Jae could be forgetful sometimes but this was another level. He wasn't even particularly upset because he knew for a fact he would be using this ever to make fun of Jae for the rest of his life.

Jae looked shocked, and incredibly embarrassed, but more shocked.
" Okay, I'm gonna end today's steam early" He quickly said before getting up and reaching to completely shut down his PC.

" Brian I am so sorry. I don't know how the fuck I didn't mention it- I promise it wasn't on purpose-" Jae explained frantic and panicked.
Younghyun, who was honestly ready to clown Jae over the event, decided it really would be best not to; But he couldn't help bursting into a fit or laughter.
The whole situation was so absurd, yet hilarious, Younghyun couldn't help but laugh, the kind of laugh where your sides hurt and you can't breathe.
" Um, Brian, you're scaring me." Jae commented with a concerned-confused expression. Looking down at his boyfriend, who had collapsed onto the floor laughing his ass off. Honestly, Jae wasn't sure if he'd ever seen Younghyun laugh to this extent- despite his many, many, MANY, attempts.

" Well this is better than you being mad." He said with a smile and a shrug, before pulling his phone out to record the other STILL laughing on the floor.

I always find myself laughing when I'm with you (jaehyunparkian)Where stories live. Discover now