Chapter 1

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It's as if the weight of a sacred tradition has been placed upon my shoulders, as I finally take my turn to be locked away in the world's most desolate and forgotten corner - Antarctica.

I can already feel the chill of the icy wind piercing through my bones, just like the tales

I've heard of men my age who have ventured there before me. But this time, it's me who will be part of that legend - the one who braved the barren wasteland of Antarctica and lived to tell the tale.

The howling winds carried with them the haunting tales of many men who met their demise in this unforgiving land. The bitter cold claimed them, one by one, as they toiled away at their job.

Some succumbed to the relentless chill, while others grew too comfortable and let their guard down. It was a harsh reality, one that made me realize that polar bears were not the only enemy lurking in these treacherous conditions.

But even the ferocious bears paled in comparison to the brutal power of the snow.

It was a merciless force, an ever-present danger that silently waited for its next victim.

The men who had come before me were foolish to think that they could simply endure the uncomfortable chill and emerge unscathed.

They were wrong to underestimate the cold, and even more wrong to let their guard down.

I will shatter that line - I will end it. I will not perch on my high horse because the snow is a saddle higher than any I've ridden.

My boss, Clement, handed me the radio and a couple of heavy bags, his eyes bore into mine like this is the final time we'll ever lay eyes on each other. The sight of him stirs an unsettling feeling deep within me;

I despise that look. I grab his shoulder, my hand clenching tight as if trying to hold onto him for a while longer."
"Once my research is complete, we'll paint the town red like we always do," I say with a grin, trying to ease the tension in the air. As I speak, I notice his breath escape in a huff, creating a small, misty cloud in the chilly evening air.

"Johnny, please, don't go alone. Take someone with you," he pleads with worry etched on his face. I let out a sigh, my eyes dropping to the ground as I consider his plea.

"Okay, maybe once I've delved deeper into my research, I'll take a team with me. But for now, I need to be in solitude," I say, my words laced with determination. The air around us grows quiet once again as I tuck my hands into my pockets.

"Johnny. Reconsider!", he shouts, desperation lacing his voice as he pleaded with me. But I had already made up my mind.

"I'm sorry, old friend. It's better if you get going - it'll be night soon." I patted his shoulder in an attempt to release him from my grip.

He nodded, not for his sake but for mine. As he walked away, I could feel my resolve hardening. Without hesitation, I stepped inside the cabinet, the air heavy with the lingering smell of death. As I made my preparations, I couldn't help but wonder if this would be my last moment alive.

I sank into the plush cushions of my chair, feeling them envelop me in comfort. As I nestled in, I gazed through the window directly ahead, mesmerized by the tranquil beauty outside.

The blissful peace was a stark contrast to the clamor of the city to which I was so accustomed. And here, in this secluded sanctuary, I could finally find the solace I craved.

As the stillness settled around me, I relished in the knowledge that no one could see me or hear me.

A sly smile crept across my face as I realized that I could even scream without anyone being the wiser. Delighting in my newfound freedom, I chuckled softly to myself.

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