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You wanna hear a funny story?

Remus lupin was 5 years old when fenir greyback broke into his back garden and bit the innocent young boys shoulder. He was 5 years old when he turned into the one thing his father feared the most, a werewolf. Remus was 5 years old when his own father stopped seeing him as a son and rather a monstrosity, a monster.

Remus was 7 years old when his mother hope died. The one person in his life who still cared about him, didn't fear him for what he was but saw him for who he is. Remus lupin was 7 years old when he lost the one person who truly loved him, whom he truly loved. Being left alone with his father who couldn't stand the sight of him, who couldn't be in the same room for more than 5 minutes without being ashamed, after all Remus didn't blame him, he had a werewolf for a son.

Remus was 11 years old when he found out he would be accepted into a school for witchcraft and wizardry despite his "condition". Remus was scared but of course his father didn't care he was happy to be rid of the responsibility of a child so when he returned that Christmas to the house emptied and a note saying his father will never come back home, Remus wasn't all that surprised but he wasn't sad. He figured he had his friends to keep him above the surface now; James, Sirius and Peter.

Then Remus was 12 when those friends came to him saying they knew. They knew everything. They knew he was a monster, a werewolf. Remus didn't want to hear the pity in his roommates voices, he convinced himself he had lost them forever, he shut himself off. Not talking to anyone but Lily Evans who happened to be the only other friend he had outside the boys and of course she didn't know then and he hoped she never will know.

Remus continued to shut out the boys even into the next year of school. Then Remus turned 13 that year and everything changed. What he thought was his "friends" ignoring him and being disgusted by him turned out to be something extraordinary, his best friends in the whole world became animagus' just for him so he didn't have to go through the full moons alone and Remus didn't think he could ever be so thankful to have them as friends.

Then Remus was 14 in his fourth year of Hogwarts. He was happy, probably the most happy he's ever been in his entire youth. He had his four best friends with him; James, Sirius, Peter and Lily. Everything was so simple- until one of those best friends suddenly became something more to him. Sirius Black he figured always had been a bit of a mystery to him but he guessed that's why he found the boy so intriguing. So nice to look at like a puzzle he can't quite figure out. Though nothing quite scares Remus more than knowing he was different from the rest of his friends, so he didn't tell anyone about his crush on his best friend- on his best friend who's a boy.

Even during the summer when James rented a campsite down in Cornwall for the 4 of them (lily refused to go due to thinking potter was enough to be around at school let alone during the summer too.) Remus had let himself get close to Sirius that summer, close enough to realise what he felt was love but not close enough to do or say anything about it which remus thought was the only right way to go about it really- not saying anything and just acting like everything is normal.

Which brings him to September 1st of his fifth year at Hogwarts. Remus was happy to have everything he ever wanted in his life even Sirius though not in the way he wanted was still delighted to have him in his life either way. Remus was happy and nothing could dampen his mood not even walking into their regular compartment to the sight of Sirius and regulus black yelling at each other.

Sirius was angry, Remus had never quite seen him this angry before not at anyone not even Regulus.

Something had happened, something bad, worse than anything that had happened before Remus could feel it, the way sirius' eyes bore into his brothers head in a way that suggests he had been betrayed.
"I am never going back.. EVER" his words were sharp, like the teeth of a shark sinking into fresh human flesh.
Everyone was staring now, James and Peter as well as Remus watching the stare down wondering who would break first.
He wasn't sure if they could see it too but remus saw it. He saw even behind the cold stare and dark hardened grey eyes, he saw that regulus wants to say something, not something offensive or cruel but something that would make everyone in this room shift in their seats and even Sirius step back but he doesn't. The younger black brother simply breaks eye contact and walks away leaving the four boys to process what just went on.

"Pads? Are you okay?"
Sirius shakily sat down besides Remus who was fussing over him like a protective mother duck. "Hey Sirius? You're shaking" Remus continued in a calm voice, though they were all focused on Sirius, Remus hadn't missed the glance James took at regulus as he walked away, he could tell James wanted to go after him but whether that be to defend his best friend or for something else he couldn't figure out.
"I got away" the long haired boys voice was small and vulnerable. "I got away from them, it wasn't easy but I got out just ask James" they all look over to James who still seems to be staring out into the hall of the train,
"James?" The short black haired boy almost jumped out of his skin as he came back to reality.
"Oh yeah- they really didn't go easy on him this summer hearing where he'd been for three weeks with us... we- me, mum and dad took him in he's now living with us."

Remus struggled at grasping the whole concept of the story but he didn't need to, he doesn't think he wants to either, thinking of Sirius all beat up and barely breathing scared Remus. Surely that would scare anyone?
"Hmm?" Remus looked up at Sirius' grey eyes, they were lighter than Regulus' more calm.
"What's that? On your chest?"
They both look down at his chest, where a cross necklace sat upon it, it was silver. The only colour his mother could wear of jewellery without getting a rash from it. Remus had found the old necklace in a box under the stairs over the summer and had decided to wear it ever since.
"Oh that's a cross necklace, it represents god and Jesus"
Sirius looked at remus confused for a moment,
"You like god and Jesus?"
"It was my mothers... so- you know?" Of course Sirius didn't know but he always did pretend like he understood everything anyone said.

Sirius sat on his knees like a child getting read a story book at pre school. Reaching out to fumble with the chain around his friends neck, gently twirling it around his fore finger and tracing the outline of the cross with his thumb.
"It's nice" Sirius' soft voice reaching Remus' ears.

To Remus this should feel like the most natural act in the world, because of course Sirius is always like this at least with him anyway. But for some reason he can't seem to get his chest to calm down. Everything in him just wants to kiss the boy without a care in the world. But as always he fights the urge and pushes it way down in the pit of his stomach and just watches Sirius play with his necklace like it's the most beautiful and calming sight he's ever seen.
"Thank you."

Soon enough the food cart came by and all the boys started scoffing their faces with sweets and chocolate. The door to the compartment opened, lily evans stepping through the door with Marlene, Mary and Alice behind her.
"Mind if us girls join you?" Lily looked hopefully at remus mostly,
"Yeah of course ladies" however it was Sirius that answered.
So the four girls sat with the four boys; Marlene next to Sirius who scooted closer to remus, Mary next to Peter who started comparing their chocolate frog collection, Alice next to Remus who didn't know each other very well but had a common interest in books, and Lily sat next to James who still looked as if he wants to be anywhere but there.

"Hi james.."
The ginger smiled at the tall boy beside her, Remus looked at them carefully, he knew she had fucked up last year everyone did. Severus had just called her a "mudblood" and instead of thanking james for sticking up for her she had cursed him for hurting snape and ignored him the rest of the year, not that james minded as he didn't really want to talk to her by that point either he claimed he was done chasing after her.
'There's no point chasing after a girl who hates you'
James flicked his hair out of his face,
"Alright Evans?"
She replied with a simple 'yeah' and Remus was confident that they could be civil now, he could have the friendship group he had always wanted. He had been friends with the girls and the boys separately for 2 years now, he was glad they brought themselves together once and for all.

Thank you for reading, this story will be almost all based on Wolfstar but also Jegulus and Pandalily with a few mentions of rosekiller and dorlene, at some point in the story blackinnon will make an appearance but not for long.


Wolfstar: Sirius black x Remus lupin
Jegulus: James potter x regulus black
Pandalily: Pandora rosier/Lovegood x lily evans
Rosekiller: Evan rosier x Barty crouch
Dorlene: dorcas meadows x marlene McKinnon
Blackinnon: marlene McKinnon x Sirius black

Yes Pandora Lovegood is the sister of Evan rosier in this book because I don't believe that Lovegood was her maiden name at all and as she is a slytherin in this book it fits. The slytherin skittles: dorcas, Barty, rosier, regulus and Pandora will be in this quite a lot.

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