The Boy And The Pixel

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Once, there was a boy,
He was half a boy and half scared.
He could never know himself,
Not really.
The second he tried,
He would change inside.
Something would always shift.

Once, this boy, he was happy,
This boy, he found a tiny detail in the bigger picture,
He found a pixel, not like the rest.
This pixel spoke of kindness and support.

This pixel was small,
It it's heart was big.
This little pixel had all the power in the world.

Once, the boy, said to the pixel,
"I will stay by your side forever,"
The little pixel replied,
"for you my friend, I will do anything."

Once, the boy got to know the pixel.
The pixel was perfect,
Different from any other pixel around.
This pixel was shiny, and it's imperfections made it shimmer.
This little pixel made the boy smile.
This little pixel helped the boy forget
This little pixel allowed the boy to fall in love.

This little pixel was purple and blue.
This little pixel was you.

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