{Chapter 2}

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"There he is! Aren't you excited?" She said as we were watching him from the roof of a cabin in the forest.
"I don't know Nimona, this feels... wrong.."

Before I could look at her she was gone just disappeared, then see her on the other side of the cabin door, I looked away for a second to see Nimona right behind this random man, seriously how does she do that?

"Hey boss" she said smugly as the man points a broken glass bottle at her
She slowly points it down and looks at me to come down from the roof I'm hesitant at first but do it anyway.

"I Love the secret lair" she appears somewhere else and starts sniffing her surroundings "The garbage and the smell of sadness pulls the whole thing together" she says as she pulls up a dead rat by the garbage in disgust.

"Wait.. who are you?" The confused man says then Looks up to find me
"Both of you?"
"The names Nimona"
"I'm y/n, pretty much just got dragged here" I say with my hands up.

"And how did y'all-"
"Woah! Yeah! Sick arm!" Nimona says excitedly, running up to the man with the prosthetic arm, grabbing it.
"Did it bleed a lot?"
"Did they let you keep the old one?" She says creepily.
"No let go!"

"Nimona, if you want him to trust you you need to stop scaring him, please.."
I say slapping my forehead.

"What's the fun in that y/n?"

"What's wrong with you?? I mean at least your friend is sane, I think.."

"-Ooh! Can I have it?" She says picking up a blow torch.
"Oh come on Nimona!!" I say in a worried tone.
"What.. put that down! That is not for little girls!"

"Little girls? Okay, how old do you think I am?" Nimona says offended.

"I don't know. Ten?" He naively answers, then a awkward long pause.

"Help me out, more or less than ten?"

"Not a lot of kids in your life huh?"
She says defensively, while I quietly chuckle at the situation huh it's nice to have a chaotic friend

"You know what? No, and I'd like it to stay that way you both have to go, and you" He points at me "please keep her in check" He pleads

"But I'm here about the job, my friend here also would like to join right y/n?"
Actually despite everything I might enjoy this little Opportunity, even the obvious signs that this guy not a villain.

"Yup!!" I say confidently,
"Job what job? And I thought I could trust you" The guy frowns at me

"It's all here in my application"
she says shoving drawings in the man's face
"And No you can't trust me cause I'm with her" I smirk
Nimona smiles

"This is just a bunch of drawings, very disturbing drawings..."
The guy looks through the grotesque drawings of us murdering people.

"Oh look it's me! On a Rhinoceros, with another person, skewering several guards like a human kebab!!"
I sigh in disappointment

"Yeah! Do you like it! I thought a visual aid would really make my resume pop"Nimona says spinning around in a chair, and disappears.
"Up here!"

The man looks up astonished to Nimona laying a on ceiling
"What Job??"
"For us to be your sidekick"
I nod.

Nimona jumps down from the ceiling.
"You know, to help you do whatever it takes to get revenge on the cold, cruel world that rejected you" Nimona walks like a zombie.

"Yeah! Don't you want to avenge the life the kingdom took away from you?
I say sticking by Nimona

"Shall we pillage a village? Lay low until they don't remember you, then we rise like a fiery phoenix from the ashes!! To overthrow the government"
Nimona says in a fast manner that the man couldn't catch up with.

"Or we can just talk? Right y/n?"

The man deadpans us.

What are you? Nimona x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن