922: Seeking Revenge on Melhor

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After landing, Lin Sanjiu remained dazed for several minutes.

She had imagined many scenarios behind the door: the identity and appearance of the person behind the door, whether there were more reinforcements in the few buildings, and what the facility that generated the strange force field was.

However, she had never expected that there would be nothing behind the door.

Lin Sanjiu sat cross-legged in a daze, with the towering iron gate rising behind her like a city wall, and a flat, blank wilderness in front of her. Obviously, no one had done any work on this piece of land; weeds emerged from the corners, swaying between the rocks and soil.

She almost didn't know how to react.

How could there be nothing?

How is it possible that there is nothing?

What about the voice from behind the door? Could it be that the person had fled when things looked bad?

However, Lin Sanjiu lifted her eyes. On the other side of the gate, the flashlight she had dropped was still illuminated, casting a misty beam of light in the night. With the help of this faint light that seemed to dissipate with a gust of wind, she could distinguish the shape of another iron gate in the darkness.

They did indeed function like city walls, stretching out and connecting in the unknown, tightly enclosing this unknown expanse of land. Unless the person behind the door had burrowed underground, it would be difficult to determine how they had escaped from this iron enclosure. Even Lin Sanjiu herself wouldn't be able to climb over such a high iron gate in the blink of an eye.

Was the iron fortress created with so much effort just to enclose an empty space?

"No, just a moment ago, I could still see the rooftops of several buildings from the outside..."

The eyeballs had focused their gaze on the rooftop revealed behind the door, and that was how they had been thrown into it. But if there were no buildings, what did they see? With a hint of disbelief, Lin Sanjiu stood up and looked around.

She slowly opened her mouth.

Indeed, there was a rooftop.

It was like any ordinary rooftop, with a cement floor surrounded by a wall. However, below the cement platform, there was nothing... if one didn't count the steel supports that held it up.

A cement platform supported by steel frames faintly emerged behind the door, resembling a rooftop... apart from being an illusion to deceive others, Lin Sanjiu couldn't think of any other reason for its existence.

This couldn't be the place where the duoluozhong were being produced; there wasn't even a single person here. So, there was only one reasonable explanation: she had been fooled.

"Naga-ashi!" She immediately turned around and shouted at the duoluozhong, "You brought me here—"

The second half of her sentence got stuck in her throat.

When Naga-ashi curled up its body and remained silent, it looked just like an ordinary woman. Its messy brown-black hair fell on the ground, tainted with grass and dirt. The loose clothes hung loosely on its body, making it appear excessively thin.

Lin Sanjiu stood in place, and the night fell silent.

After hesitating for a moment, she slowly walked over to Naga-ashi and placed her hand on its shoulder, flipping it over.

Naga-ashi obediently fell to the ground with a soft thud. It revealed its unmasked face, tightly closed eyes, and a chest that rose and fell slightly... along with a prominent fleshy ball on its abdomen.

Doomsday Wonderland Vol. 8: Heaven Underworld (856-1023) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now