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JJ jumped out of the car, looking around before approaching Jakob. "I have to go." JJ whined.

"Can you hold it for another minute or two?" JJ nodded. "Okay, good, this should only take a few seconds."

"What are you doing?" JJ asked as Jakob unlocked the trunk. She stepped on her tiptoes to look inside the trunk. Jakob pulled back the mat covering things more high-tech than anything inside the car.

"Cool!" B said as he looked over what Jakob had. "What is that?" He asked.

Jakob grabbed B's sleeve, pulling his hand away from the tech. "That's a technical tool kit. Don't worry, it's just a bunch of awesome stuff that you're never gonna get to use." Jakob said.

JJ watched as Jakob scanned the passports into the device. Jakob then grabbed the tablet as the passports scanned, giving the kids orders. JJ knew what to do when it came to passports, she recently had to get her passport pictures taken to travel to Germany to see Mila and Sean.

"Sweet." Jakob said as he pressed something on the tablet that the kids couldn't see. "Your new name is Chester and Kayla,"

"Chester?" B questioned.

"And you're on a kayaking trip with your handsome, ripped Uncle Roger." Jakob said as he snapped a picture of himself. Jakob tossed the tablet into the car, closing the trunk while the passports were created. "Now, time to get you two some new clothes, and JJ to the bathroom." Jakob said. Jakob looked over the kids clothes, "You know, somethin' a little more chic than pj pants, all right?" Jakob said as he took JJ's hand.

"From a gas station?" B asked.

"From a gas station."

"See, I just don't understand." Ravenna pinched the bridge of her nose as she sat on the couch in some guy's office. They broke in, knowing there was very little security. Tej and Ramsey got to work trying to figure out what was going on and how the hell they were supposed to deal with this new threat. Ravenna just sat on her couch, feet resting on the coffee table.

Han wasn't too far from Ravenna.

"Why would the Agency turn their backs on us, after all we've done for 'em?" Roman asked.

"That madman pinned it all on us, and now we're public enemy number one." Han said as he pocketed his phone. "Dom is gonna meet us at the rendezvous point." Ravenna sighed, tapping the heel of her combat boot against the table. "But in the meantime, we have to stay under the radar. And we gotta get ready to fight." Han added.

"And the kids?"

"Jakob's got them." Ravenna closed her eyes, sighing heavily. "He'll be meeting us at the rendezvous point." Han and Ravenna were worried about their daughter, but they had to trust Jakob to care for her. Jakob only popped in now and again, leaving him in charge of B and JJ wasn't something Raven ever thought she'd have to do.

"Wait, so we need guns, artillery, tanks?"

"Yeah, but how are we gonna get that with no money?" Tej asked. Ravenna's feet hit the ground, standing up from the couch instantly. The team gathered around Tej, seeing that every single one of their bank accounts, even accounts that were secret, were drained. "We've been hacked." Tej slammed his palms into the edge of the desk. Ravenna placed her hands behind her head, chewing at her lip. "Look. Every account. Every dollar we made over the last twenty years is gone. He took everythin'."

"We got heisted during our own heist."

"Who the fuck is this guy?" Ravenna asked. "How is he doin' this? It is like he's been watching us for years or something."

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