"Hello, young Bluepaw, it's a pleasure to finally meet you!" Bluepaw spun around with wide eyes to see a dark tortoiseshell molly slowly approaching her. Her dark brown, starry, dappled pelt glowing in the light of the moon, and her warm amber eyes bright as she stared straight into Bluepaw's frosty blue eyes.

"W-who are you?" she stammered, blinking rapidly and trying not to gape in shock.

The dark-furred she-cat purred and brushed her tail over Bluepaw's shoulder. "There's no need to be afraid young one, my name is Spottedfeather, I was the old MistClan medicine cat."

Bluepaw's jaw dropped open in shock. "You're Meadowlight's old mentor?" she gasped in shock, her fur fluffing up and her tail straight up in the air.

Spottedfeather just smiled and nodded her head in response to Bluepaw's question.

"But why am I here? I'm no medicine cat, if you have a prophecy to tell me, why don't you give it to Flowingstream or-" Bluepaw was cut off by Spottedfeather placing her tail over her mouth.

"I see you're quite the smart and observant type, hmm, those are great qualities for a young cat like you to have," Spottedfeather remarked with a soft purr. "But I didn't choose Flowingstream or Meadowlight to give this prophecy to, I chose you, Bluepaw," the starry tortoiseshell she-cat responded with a small laugh and a flick of her tail.

Bluepaw's eyes popped wide open in shock and her jaw dropped. "A prophecy? For me?" she mewled in surprised bewilderment.

Spottedfeather nodded with an amused pur and a twitch of her whiskers. "Yes, that's what I said, wasn't it?" the dark-furred she-cat mewed with a soft purr rumbling in the back of her throat.

Bluepaw nodded, trying to look regal and mature, when in reality she was dying to hear the prophecy. Spottedfeather's voice suddenly grew louder and deeper, like it wasn't coming from her, but echoing from the surrounding woods, and the grassy ground, and from the clear blue streams and starry night sky. Spottedfeather, or maybe it was the whole of StarClan, Bluepaw wasn't sure, spoke the words that would change the Clans forever.

"When darkness falls upon the land, when Clan cats fight for a rightful leader, four young cats will come together to stop the fighting. Claws and teeth soak in blood and tears, while many cats stand frozen with fear. To stop this incoming doom, the four Clans must fight together as one, and only then will the darkness flee."

"Bluepaw, there is one more thing that you must know," Spottedfeather mewed. Bluepaw's ears pricked and she nodded for the older cat to continue. "Mistrust will be your downfall when the storm of water and ice rises to combat the flames of the past." Those were the last words she heard before the StarClan cats began to fade and everything went dark.


Bluepaw awoke with a sharp gasp, her blue-gray fur fluffing up in fear and her blue eyes scanning her surroundings. The haunting words that Spottedfeather had just told her echoed in Bluepaw's mind as she tried to calm her frazzled nerves.

"Mistrust will be your downfall when the storm of water and ice rises to combat the flames of the past."

But what does that mean? And what about the prophecy? Bluepaw could feel herself shaking at the cryptic words that were told to her.

She quiatly patted out of the apprentice's den and with silent pawsteps, the young she-cat sat down in the grass and looked up at the night sky witch was shimmering with stars. The silver light of the moon made her blue-gray fur glow silver in the light, and her frosty blue eyes reflected the moon.

She sighed again and as she continued to stare up at Silverpelt, she quietly recited the words of the prophecy that she had received. "When darkness falls upon the land, when Clan cats fight for a rightful leader, four young cats will come together to stop the fighting. Claws and teeth soak in blood and tears, while many cats stand frozen with fear. To stop this incoming doom, the four Clans must fight together as one, and only then will the darkness flee."

Bluepaw was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice when someone came and sat beside her, also staring up at Silverpelt. "The stars sure are pretty," Bluepaw jumped with a mewl of surprise, and with unsheathed claws, she spun around to see who had startled her. However, she soon relaxed at the sight of her best friend and secret mate, Flowingstream. "Why are you up so late, Bluepaw?" Flowingstream meowed in worry as she stared up at her.

Bluepaw sighed and flattened her ears, meowing softly, "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go outside and get some fresh air," she told her, it was partly true anyway.

Flowingstream just stared at her with a disbelieving look on her face. "Yeah yeah!" she said lamely. Bluepaw sighed and flattened her ears, it was no use lying to Flowingstream, who could read her better than any other cat.

Bluepaw sighed in defeat and shuffled her paws uncomfortably. Flowingstream sat down and stared at Bluepaw. "So... what is the real reason you're out here?" It took moments for Bluepaw to say something.

"Ok ok fine I'll tell you!" she said with a defeated sigh. "The reason I'm out here is because I just received a prophecy from Spottedfeather, MistClan's old medicine cat." She eventually told her what Spottedfeather had told her.

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