Air raid sirens blared into the sky, singing a depressing song.



The distant booming of Anti-aircraft guns.

It was sheer carnage,

There was a sign on it that said

"Hamburg, the Pearl of the Ironblood."

It was extremely difficult to know why exactly the sirens would possibly attack a port of all places.

It has never been on record of happening before, this was the first time the sirens did something like this.

Unless.... they were looking for something.

Z23 made it to the docks, which were in absolute turmoil,

There she encountered a few other destroyers, such as Z1, Z25, among others of the 1936 and 1934 classes, all doing the same thing she was,

That being to find their ships and fight these sirens back

Until she actually arrived at the port to find her ship-

"INCOMING!!" A fellow Kansen shouted at the top of her lungs.

Bright projectiles arced through the air, and smashed into the port structure, smashing into the riggings of a Scharnhorst battleship, turning the bridge and conning tower into scrap metal,

The pink haired Kansen in charge of the ship (who was too far away for Z23 to identify) was blown clear away, and flung into a wall.

"Z23!" Someone shouted, snatching her arm,


And immediately the second her arm was snatched, a ripped off turret from a hipper class heavy cruiser impacted right on the ground in front of her, missing her by a few mere centimeters.

Z23 was shaking like she'd just seen a ghost, her face was pale white,

She looked behind her to see who saved her from being crushed underneath the turret.


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"Köln?... What are you doing here?" Z23 said,

"Shouldn't you be evacuating the tactical class right now?..." Z23 said.

"There is no more tactical class I'm afraid, the building is completely gone.

Same thing with virtually the whole plaza, the whole thing is sure to be a crater by now." Köln simply stated.

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