"Sorry..." She smiled with a bit of sweat running from her forehead. "And don't worry, you won't have to walk for too much longer. The place we're supposed to meet Lub is just up ahead."

We stopped in front of a bookstore with a sign reading "Sorry...Endless Adventures' Book Store" on top.

A woman with a child stepped out of the store. The woman had a shopping bag hanging from her arm while two books rested against her chest, and the boy running out in front of her had his face in a manga. "Thank you! Please, come again!" A boy with combed-back green hair and thin glasses stepped out to wave goodbye to them. "Oh! You guys are here! Just in time too. Come on in, the store just emptied out so we can talk. Leone, take everyone to the back while I close up the shop."

He was talking as if he knew us, but I didn't recognize him, although I did feel like I had seen him before. Maybe he was one of the Revolutionary Army's spies that I met while visiting one of the outposts?

Before I could ask where I had seen the store owner, I instinctively followed Leone and the others inside. She led us to the very back of the store, to a large shelf filled with manga volumes. Leone reached up, took out a book, and then reached in behind it. I heard something like a switch being moved and then the whole bookshelf slid back and then moved into the wall to the left.

"That's so cool!" Tatsumi, Air, and I said together, our eyes sparkling in amazement.

You really can't beat the classics!

Down the steps was a large room with a couch on both sides of a table in the middle of the room, a map of the Agarath Empire on the back wall, and a small bar off to one side. It was the definition of cozy.

"Wow! This place is awesome!" Air cheered, jumping over the back of the first couch to sit on it. Akame must have started her acrobatics training. "Doesn't it remind you of Lilith's Nest, big brother?" Air looked over the back of her seat to smile at me.

"It does feel like my VIP lounge." I agreed, looking around the place. "Actually, I think it's nicer than my lounge."

Leone took the seat next to Air, slinging one arm across the back of the couch. And Tatsumi sat on the other couch by himself, I'd join him in a minute after looking around the room a little more.

"Hehe, you think so?!" The green-haired owner of the bookstore chuckled while scratching the back of his head as he walked down the steps to join us. "I had it a little differently before, but after hanging out with you, I kinda wanted to fix this place up to be a little cooler. I'm glad you like it, (Y/n)!"

"Sorry, but when did we hang out?" I asked. I originally thought that he was just someone I met once for a few minutes before a mission, but could he have been a regular at Lilith's Nest and I just didn't remember him?

"What? (Y/n), it's me, bro."

I just stared at him. I wasn't usually so bad with faces. "I'm really sorry, buddy. ...And please don't call me "bro". Only my close friends can call me that."

"Wha-?! (Y/n), c'mon, are you having a go at me? It's me!!"

My eyes darted all over the place, scanning the room in the hopes of some hint as to who this guy was.

"Tatsumi, you know who I am, right?!" The green-haired boy looked to Tatsumi, who just looked away and tried to whistle.

"I mean...."

"Oh, come on!"

"Sorry. You do look familiar, but I just can't remember your name." He grinned nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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