Chapter 16

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That night, neither Aster nor Dermot came home. Callie and Morna paced the floors of the great hall, while Sin and his brothers sat at the table, drinking ale and saying little. Simon's health had improved, but he was still upstairs in his bed.

Sin watched the women as long as he could, but a prickling in his gut told him something was seriously wrong.

"Morna," he said gently. "I know you have no trust of me. But I really think you ought to tell me where your son might be hiding. I want to go find both of them."

She shared a nervous look with Callie. The doubt in her eyes was tangible.

Callie patted her arm. "I trust him, Morna."

Still, the woman looked skeptical, and Sin couldn't blame her. It was her mother's love for her sons that he adored most about Morna.

Sin sought to reassure her. "I will take Lochlan with me. He's a good Highland laird and you know you can trust him."

Morna hesitated a minute more before she finally spoke. "While my parents lived, they had an old crofter's hut up in the north hills. It's dilapidated and aged, but I'm relatively sure he'd be there now."

Sin rose to his feet. "Lochlan, Braden, we ride. Ewan, stay here and wait for the men. If Dermot returns, make sure he stays put."

Ewan nodded earnestly while they made for the door.

Callie followed the small group outside and watched as they mounted. Her heart was heavy with fear and worry. It was typical of Dermot to be out and about at all hours, but Aster...

She hoped he was all right.

"Please be careful," she said to them.

Lochlan and Braden rode ahead, while Sin kneed his horse to the steps where she stood. She could see the dark desire in his eyes as he watched her. "I will return them to you, my lady."

"I know you will. I've never doubted you."

He closed his eyes as if he savored her words. He moved his horse closer, then reached up and pulled her into his arms.

Callie moaned as he covered her lips with his and gave her a fierce kiss. His tongue stroked hers while she clung to him, needing to feel his reassurance.

He pulled back and brushed his hand over her swollen lips. "Watch over Morna until my return."

"I will."

His eyes hungry and tormented, he set her back on the stoop, then kicked his horse forward.

Callie watched him ride out of the bailey, her heart heavy. She had seen something in his eyes. Something dark and evil that scared her.

But she refused to doubt him. He loved her as much as she loved him. She was sure of it. And one day, she hoped he would realize it, too.

Sin, Lochlan and Braden rode for two hours before they reached the hut. As quickly as possible, they dismounted and searched the dark cottage.

It was empty.

"Someone was here," Lochlan said, his hand on the hearth. "It's still warm."

"Where would they be?" Braden asked.

Sin sighed. "There's no telling."

Disgusted and weary, Sin led them to the horses, then back in the direction of the MacNeely castle. They hadn't gone far when they saw a tremendous blaze in the valley far below on the opposite side of the hill.

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