Chapter 6

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Callie trembled with nervousness as Aelfa helped her dress for her wedding ceremony. This was the day she had waited for the whole of her life, and yet she dreaded it as well. Once she made her vow before God, there would be no going back.

From this day onward, she would be wife to a man she knew very little about. Wife to a man who wanted no children and nothing to do with her beloved Scotland. She shivered, hoping that this was what she was meant to do.

Henry had sent a beautiful gown of gold cloth that was trimmed in diamonds, pearls and rubies. His note had said he hoped his gift met with her approval. It was a gown fit for royalty. Even so, she had decided not to wear it. Not that she meant any slight to Henry or his thoughtfulness. But if she was to marry so far from home, she wanted her heritage with her.

Dressed in the nicest saffron kirtle she'd packed for her journey to her aunt's hall, Callie had her father's dark blue, green and yellow plaid wrapped around her. Aelfa had plaited two small braids and draped them gently to rest atop her auburn curls, which were held into a semblance of order by pearl-tipped pins. Callie felt like some fairy creature standing there in her Highland finery.

"You are beautiful, milady."

Callie smiled at the maid as Aelfa handed her the arrow-shaped pin for her plaid. "Thank you."

A knock sounded on the door.

She turned to see Simon pushing it open. He paused as soon as he saw her and grinned wolfishly. "They await you below, my lady."

Jamie opened the door wider and fell into the room from between Simon's legs. The lad had taken up with Simon as of yesterday and she hadn't seen much of him since.

Jamie's eyes were wider than moons as he regarded her. "Gor, Caledonia, you look like Queen Maeve. I hope you're not planning on eating your husband, too."

She laughed. "Nay, but I might be tempted to stew up a bit of a scamp if he doesn't behave."

Jamie stuck his tongue out and ran back into the hallway.

Laughing at the incorrigible imp, she took a deep breath and faced Simon.

"Are you all right, milady?" he asked as he offered her his arm.

She placed her hand in the crook of his elbow, grateful for his presence to see her down to the chapel. "I'm not sure. In spite of his reputation, I don't think Lord Sin is an evil man."

"Nay, but he is a lost one."

"Lost men can be found and brought home."

"Aye, but only if they are willing. Either way, at least you will be in your own home in a matter days."

Callie smiled at the thought. Home. She had missed it so terribly much. She'd been gone almost three months. Seana would have had her baby by now. Her brother Dermot had probably found another love, and Aster would no doubt be twice as gray from worrying over her and Jamie.

It would be good to see all of them again. Even if she had to marry an Englishman to get there.

He's a good man.

She believed that. It was the only thing that made this whole event tolerable. Well, that and the teasing man she'd glimpsed beneath the emotionless facade Sin showed to the world. For whatever reason they had been brought together, she trusted the Lord meant for her to do this. It was her faith that kept her going.

She allowed Simon to lead her to the king's private chapel in the back of the castle, far away from the bustle of the great hall. Aelfa followed them, with Jamie in tow.

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