Chapter 10

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Callie spent the afternoon visiting with her family and friends, catching up on all the news and events she had missed over the last few months. Seana had had a little boy named Graham. 

Susannah had married her betrothed and now she thought she might be with child. Morna had kept the village brewer company while worried out of her mind about Callie and Jamie.

And Dermot had been in love three times in the last two months. At least that was what Morna had told her. Callie wanted to ask her brother about the matter, but had a hard time, since he refused to get near her due to his unreasonable anger toward Sin.

Still, it was so good to see all of them again. Even Dermot, who really was behaving like a doormat. One all prickly and ready to chafe her feet if she got close to him.

Luckily her Aunt Diera, whom they had been planning to visit when they had been taken by Henry, was all healed and better from her fall.

All of them were delighted by her news of marriage until they learned Sin was an English lord. Then, one by one, she watched their faces fall and their eyes turn sharp with warning and loathing.

Callie was depressed by it. This wasn't going to be easy. Morna was the only one who even attempted to be happy for her.

Now Callie sat alone with Morna, kneading bread in the kitchen while they caught up on all the weeks she had been in London.

Morna's face was gentle as they worked, her eyes full of understanding. "I know 'tis hard, lovey, but what the others think isn't important. It's what you and Sin think."

"Why are you the only one who can accept him?"

Morna smiled while she floured her hands. Her long, dark brown hair was coiled becomingly around her head and she wore a red and green plaid over her kirtle. "Because I was once in Sin's shoes. When your da met me, I knew in an instant I would never love another man the way I loved him. He was the only thing in my world and I wanted him so much that my heart wept constantly in fear that he would have nothing to do with me."

"My father loved you."

"Aye, he did. But he was a fierce laird almost twice my age, and I the simple daughter of a shepherd. There were those such as Aster who fought hard to keep him from me."

The news surprised her. She couldn't recall a single time when Aster hadn't been respectful and kind to Morna. Indeed, she remembered him welcoming her into the family with open arms. "Aster?"

"Aye, he thought I was only after your father's money and position and that your da was a blind fool for running after a lass who was barely more than a child. He did everything he could to keep us apart. And there were others who thought the widower of a royal noblewoman had no business wasting time with the likes of me."

Callie gasped indignantly at such snobbery. How dare anyone say such about someone as kind and loving as her precious Morna?

Morna handed her a pan for her loaf. "Even a little queen gem named Caledonia didn't want me around."

Callie blushed as she recalled the first year Morna had lived with them. In truth, she had been a rude little runt. But then, her heart had broken at the thought of her father forgetting her and her mother. She'd been terrified that he would love Morna more and send her off to live in the woods by herself.

They were all stupid fears, but as a young lass, they had seemed well founded. Luckily, Morna had possessed the strength and patience of a saint and had eventually won her over. "I am sorry for that."

Morna patted her hand. "Don't be. I'm just glad you eventually came around to liking me."

"I love you, Morna. I couldn't love you more if you were my mother."

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