Then she heard a small sliding noise, then total silence.

She was alone and trying to fall asleep, but time passed and nothing helped.

Her heart began to race as if someone had lit a fire inside her. Her breathing was laboured and her body began to feel heavy.

Her hands were sinking into the bed and her feet into the mattress.

She wanted to hear Riki's voice, she wanted him to be with her, because when he was there she didn't feel any of that.

It never hurt when he was in her room and she was happy to be with him, even if she couldn't see him.

She could hear his brushstrokes and his chumming.

She could feel his body when he came to sleep with her in her bed and when he kissed her before wish her a good night.

She could feel and hear everything.

The pain spread throughout her body and her head hurt like hell.

She needed help.

Riki looked at the photo of Hana that he'd kept for himself. He watched her smile while the teacher did his work. Everyone was paying attention to what he was saying and then someone knocked on the door.

"Akio, are you late again ?"

"Sorry sir." the young man replied before seeing the empty seat next to Riki. He quickly put his photo away and Akio sat down next to him.

"So, the fake patient still hasn't recovered ?" said Akio, patting him on the shoulder.

Riki didn't reply and let the class go on.

It was the last class of the day and Riki was watching the clock every minute, he just wanted to get out of here and join Hana.

He hadn't slept much last night and hadn't realised the importance of the day ahead.


Finally !

Tomorrow was Hana's birthday !

Tomorrow Hana would be 17 and he would tick the last box on his bucket list.

Because Hana would survive until tomorrow.

Hana was strong and she would make it.

Riki wanted to see her and celebrate her birthday with him. Even if she was asleep, Riki wanted to be there with her for this important moment they had been waiting for so long.

Riki wanted to be there to prove to the Riki of the past that all Hana's dreams had come true and that her list was completely finished. He just wanted to prove to him that he had done the right thing in opening that door and meeting that girl, his flower girl.

The bell finally rang and Riki hurried to put his things away and leave the classroom, but someone grabbed his shoulder.

"Did you think you were just going to walk away like that, Nishimura Riki ?" said Akio, raising an eyebrow to sound more confident.

"What do you want from me ?" replied Riki with the beginnings of anger. He just wanted to go to the hospital, he'd been looking forward to it all day.

He just wanted to see Hana again and make sure she was okay.

"What were you watching at the beginning of class ?"

"Seriously ? You're holding me back for this ?"

Riki moved closer to him and tilted his head slightly.

"I thought I made myself clear last time." Riki pushed him and Akio lost his balance a little. He looked at the people around him and ran a hand over the back of his neck.

"What happened to her ?" asked Akio with an almost worried look on his face. A look Riki had never seen on his face before.

"Why are you interested now ?"

Akio quickly approached Riki and grabbed his collar. He leaned towards him and whispered: "She was supposed to go out with me, me and me alone. You're not even capable of making her happy, you jerk."

Riki was tired of wasting time, especially with Akio. He hoped that once Hana came back, she would never meet that boy's eyes again.

Riki raised his knee and Akio rolled to the floor.

He leaned over him as the young man writhed in pain. Riki pulled Hana's picture out of his pocket and said: "That girl's mine, motherfucker."

He let go of Akio's collar and his head hit the floor.

Riki didn't wait another second and rushed out of the establishment to the hospital, photo in his hand.

What a waste of time !

Hana felt good.

Her heart was light, as if it wasn't exerting itself any more.

Her lungs were no longer burning and her head was beginning to feel light.

Her hands no longer fell into the mattress and her feet felt lighter.

The pain was fading throughout her body and she could smell the flowers.

She saw herself in Riki's arms and felt her heart explode with love.

She saw her whole life, her short life up until the day before she turned 17.

It had been a perfect life that had ended in the best possible way.

She had met Riki and it was to this person that she had to give all the love she was capable of.

It was this blond boy who had brought her all the happiness she'd been missing for the last few years.

Her life had been perfect and she wouldn't have changed a thing.

Because if it hadn't been for this illness, Riki might never have come back to see her.

Or perhaps because he had done everything he could to be the only one designated to come and help her at the hospital.

She was so happy to have met this boy.

She hoped with all her heart to find him in her new life.

In her new adventure.

And to live with him until she was seventeen.

But suddenly everything changed, and Hana realised what was happening.

Wait !

I want to live.

Leave me here and live a life full of love,

just with Riki.

i want to be 17.

Oh please,

my heart needs him.

Leave me here,

with him.

Just with him.

My nini,

save me a little place in your heart.






thank you for reading this far <3
I'll try to write better in the future ;)
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