VIII: In Which Penelope Maxima Uses her Nose

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Warm up: "Pocketful of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield

"Poodles are a highly intelligent, energetic, and sociable breed. In 1994 they were ranked 2nd out of 130 breeds in "working and obedience intelligence", a measure of their ability to learn from humans. They are an active dog, requiring regular physical and intellectual activities. ...  poodles tend to be protective of their families and are good with children." - Wikipedia

Penelope Maxima was in a little bit of a quandary. She had noticed the Watching Man at the restaurant stop and it made her nervous. She didn't sense anything bad about him, but knew that he was watching Her Woman a little too closely. 

A little while earlier, she used her nose to push a bag that held an envelope with a burnt metallic sugar smell into the back seats until it could no longer be seen and barely smelled. Besides not liking bad smells around her, strangers made her a little nervous and it gave her another reason to hide that bag as this particular stranger looked toward the metal beast. 

She realized that maybe this bad smell might smell good to others and make them want to get into the metal beast where she did not want them. And if they got into the metal beast, they might do something to Her Woman, harm her. And Penelope Maxima was not going to allow that. But she knew as a little dog, her ways of protecting Her Woman had to be done differently then, for example the Gang back home, who were much bigger than she was.

As Her Woman got back into the metal beast, Penny Max barked twice in excitement because she loved Her Woman and also loved the meatball place. But she also wanted to be sure that Watching Man knew she could draw attention in an instant if it was necessary. Her Woman placed the bags of food on the floor in front of Penny Max and then started the car. 

As they pulled away from the meatball place and headed down the big road, Penny Max looked out the window and saw the Watching Man follow behind. She looked inside the metal beast seeing everything she loved and kept her eye on the outside. As they drove over the bridge leaving the island, the toy poodle enjoyed the view, looking at the water, busy with boats.

Soon, they pulled up to the coffee place and Penny Max barked excitedly. She could see a red car outside and stood up and pressed her little nose against the glass. She saw Favorite Man get out of the car and walk toward them. Her Woman parked the car and reached for her purse,  grabbing a red sweater that was laying on the back seat before getting out of the the Skylark. 

Penny Max watched carefully as Her Woman grabbed the sweater from the backseat but didn't see the tote bag she had pushed down onto the floor. Her little body which had tensed up relaxed as Her Woman came around to the passenger side of the vehicle. Penny Max bounced up and down on her cushion! She was going to see her Favorite Man and get some lemon bread! 

Once Her Woman came around to her side of the car, she carefully picked up Penny Max who licked her excitedly. As Favorite Man held the door open to the coffee shop, Penny Max noted that there was no Desperate Smelling man around or Watching Man. As they all entered the store, Her Woman talked to the Nice Lemon Bread Man. Penny barked a couple times, voicing her opinion on the coffee shop situation. 

The Nice Lemon Bread Man always brought coffee and the big lemon bread and spoke nicely to both of them as he delivered the items. He always stayed nearby while they were at the table, Penny Max always noticed. She gave one bark as she saw her Favorite Man walk over carrying a drink. She loved him and she knew he loved Her Woman. She also knew Her Woman was fond of him like the gang. Favorite Man bent down and patted Penny Max on her head. "What's up pupper?" She barked twice then turned three times around before settling down underneath the table. 

She listened to their voices and nibbled her pieces of lemon bread. Overall she was very content, knowing she would have meatballs at home. But underneath, she gnawed on the Desperate-Smelling Man problem, like chewing on a bone. She didn't like what she smelled. And Penny Max, unlike most humans, trusted her nose entirely. 

 She also wondered about Watching Man briefly as well. And at that moment, the Watching Man came in. Penny Max didn't move as he walked in, but she peered intently from underneath the table. She didn't know what to think. He didn't smell desperate. He also didn't smell like her favorite food. But he smelled ... a little like peanut butter. Like the kind put into the chew toy Her Woman gave her and the gang. 

Though her first instinct was to bark at him, she didn't fear him, so she just kept her eyes on him while she and Her Woman were at the coffee place and considered what this might mean. And Penny Max did like peanut butter. She also liked the sound of Favorite Man's voice and how happy Her Woman's voice sounded as she badgered at and chatted with Favorite Man. And at that moment, Penelope Maxima was in her perfectly happy place, despite a few puzzles to chew on. 

As she listened to the comforting chatter between the two, she closed her eyes but her ears remained alert especially as she remained aware of the other people, especially Watching Man, in the room. The toy poodle pondered a little about the burnt sugar smell in the bag that she hid in the car, and why it burned her little black nose a little when she smelled it.

For just under an hour or so, she rested and nibbled and listened. Finally Her Woman made a restless movement with her legs which indicated to Penny Max that the visit was ending. Finally Her Woman picked her up preparing to leave the coffee place, so the little wee dog gave a kiss to her Favorite Man's arm and watched as the Watching Man and the Nice Coffee Man watched them walk out the door. Penny Max was a smart little dog and trusted her nose that Watching Man was going to be back around.

Her Woman put Penny Max into her little spot on the cushion in the metal beast and then got in and started the drive home to where the gang was. Penny Max again smelled that burnt sugar odor and this time she sneezed twice. "You okay there little girl?" asked Her Woman reaching over and patting Penny Max's head. Penny Max barked a couple times and then continued to watch out the car window. 

On the drive home, Penny Max watched the Spanish Moss hanging from the trees, and barked once at the boiled peanut guy under the yellow umbrella on the corner near their home. They also drove past some new construction with loud noises. The toy poodle buried her face under the pillow on the seat to hide from the pounding's impact on her sensitive ears. Once past that section she popped her head back up and continued to watch as The Woman drove. 

As they arrived home, Penny Max was not surprised to see that the Watching Man drove slowly by once they pulled into the parking area. She kept an eye on him driving down the road as Her Woman picked her up out of the car. As Penny Max was placed carefully on the floor inside the fabricated home, she immediately jumped on the couch and looked out the window and saw him and his metal beast drive by again. 

She also watched as Her Woman got more things out of the car singing out to the Gang "Driving along in my automobile. Having all the fun that I feel" and the gang barked uproariously in response. Penny Max jumped off the couch and ran 'round and 'round in circles around the inside of the trailer. Something was going to happen soon, she could tell.

Penelope's Lemon Pound Cake

350-degrees for 45-50 minutes

Grease a large loaf pan; cook until golden brown on top and/or toothpick comes out clean

Pound Cake:

2 C. Flour; 1 C. White Sugar; 1.5 sticks of butter (3/4 cup); 4 eggs; 1.5 tsp. vanilla; 1/4 tsp. baking soda; 1 tsp. baking powder; 1/4 tsp. of salt; juice of one lemon; zest from one lemon peel; 1/4 cup of sour cream


Mix glaze mix together while pound cake is cooling. Use bowl with whisk. Put on pound cake within 15 minutes of cooling.

1 cup of powdered sugar; 1 TBSP lemon juice; 2 TBSP milk (kind of choice)

Optional fun

Sprinkle a little yellow sanding sugar on the glaze

Sprinkle a little lemon zest over the glaze

Sprinkle a few flower sprinkles over the glaze (color of choice but Penelope prefers white ones)

Want more? The coffee shop in Bluffton, SC was inspired by one ... or maybe all of these!

Want Even More? Learn more about Spanish Moss here!

Penny Max and the Runaway Lottery Ticket: Hilton Head Chronicles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now