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It's 5pm on a 7° day in the dead of winter. But Argos still needs to work. Ok

"Oi, Freak"

"Y-yes boss?" Argos stuttered

"You better get all of this mail delivered TONIGHT" screamed Argos's boss; an envelope

"But sir- it's supposed to go below 0° later tonight"

"Would you rather be fired?"

"N-no sir"

"Well then, if you're so worried about the cold, you better GET OUT OF HERE, AND START YOUR ROUTE!!"

"YES SIR!" Argos shouted as he grabbed his satchel full of letters off of the wall and ran out of the Void Post Office as to avoid getting yelled at any more. He doesn't do very well with being told off.

He started on his route but halfway through, the wind had picked up and the temperature had dropped to 0°. Argos was considering going back to his void since all he had on was a thin, blue, zip-up hoodie and a cheap pair of black jeans with gray tennis shoes. Though, he decided to keep going against the howling winds since he didn't want to get fired.

By the time Argos had finished his route, it was already 9:30pm and he still had to go back to the Post Office to return his satchel. He continued to push himself until he got to the Post Office. Argos hung up his satchel and looked at the time -10:00-. It had taken him 30 minutes just to get to the Post Office from just a few voids down. Argos was trying to warm himself up before heading back to his void. He convinced himself that he was warmed up enough and started out of the Post Office and to his void fighting against the wind. Argos had only gone through two voids when he really realized how far his void was in this kind of weather. His body was shaking violently and he started feeling weak. That's when he realized that Mr Plants void is only a bit further ahead. Even though his void is only one beyond Mr Plant's, Argos' body was so close to collapsing. So, Argos decided that he was going to see if Mr Plant was okay with him staying the night just this once.

Argos had made it to Mr Plants void by 10:30pm. He knocked on the door.

Mr Plant heard the knock on the door, he realized that it was getting late and started to wonder who would be at the door at this time. He opens the door to see Argos with his frostbitten hands and nose, looking like his knees were about to give out from beneath him.

"H-hi Mr P-Plant" Argos said while shaking, "I'm sorry to bother you this late, but if it's okay with you, I was wondering if I could stay th-"

Mr Plant grabbed Argos's wrist and pulled him inside. At the same time, Argos' knees collapse as he falls onto Mr Plant. Mr Plant catches Argos and lightly sets him onto the floor in front of the door and shuts the door. Mr Plant had walked off further into his house, leaving Argos in front of the door. Argos was very confused but thankful.

Mr Plant grabbed a blanket out of the closet, which was right around the corner. Argos was didn't know whether to follow him or not, so he just sat there, embracing the warmth of Mr Plants house. Argos slowly started to regain feeling in parts of his body again.

Mr Plant walked back with the second warmest blanket he had, as the warmest was on his bed. He wrapped the blanket around Argos and pointed towards the couch, signaling for Argos to go sit down. Argos followed Mr Plants directions, he took his shoes off and put them next to Mr Plants, then goes to sit on the couch curled up in the blanket. In the meantime, Mr Plant boils some water to make whichever hot drink Argos wants.

Argos is curled up on the couch, still shaking, when Mr Plant comes from the kitchen holding a tea bag and a packet of hot chocolate, holding both thing out for Argos to choose.

Mr Plant x Argosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें