Out of Darkness

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I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe, That made my love so high, and me so low.


If his past had saw the person he was slowly becoming, he would berate him for stopping his pursuit of power.

That's what was bothering him for so long, he should be angry at himself for halting his goal of becoming power absolute: he spent his entire life fighting and killing demons, studying whatever he could get his hands on and then venturing out to gather whatever unholy power he could find.

So why is he just... at ease instead?

"Are you okay?" A voice called out to him softly, making the half demon remember that he was no longer sleeping alone: Ei watched as her beloved kept shifting uncomfortably on their shared futon, seemingly plagued by his own doubts.

"I am fine" he replied, but it didn't seem to convince her enough.

"I've been with you for how long now, my love" Ei countered, "I know the face you make whenever you are troubled by something, can you not tell me what is concerning you?"

She slowly moved towards him inch by inch, until their bodies began to lightly graze one another: she then gently wrapped her arms around the half devil, who snapped out of his trance just to look at the peaceful yet concerned expression of his wife's face.

"What are you-" he was about to say, before Ei silenced him by placing a finger on his lips.

"If you do not feel comfortable to talk about it, that's fine" she told him, repeating the exact same words he told her when she encountered her nightmares: "just... relax into the stillness of the night"

He watches as Ei slowly pulled him towards her as her embrace grew tighter, seemingly with the intent of not letting go.

"This has been a precious day for me" she told him, "thank you..."

Meeting his gaze, she raised her head to pull him into a soft, gentle kiss: she could feel his tensed muscles slowly easing themselves as the two melted into their moment of intimacy, savoring each other's warmth as their bodies pressed against one another.

And like the pale rings glistening under the light of the moon, she was the one who filled his dark soul with light.


Present day

"Perhaps the book wasn't a good idea..."

"What makes you say that?"


The two watches as their son created a wolf cub out of ice and snow, seeing the life thriving in its eyes with the power of the Anima Mercury: they watched as Nero began hugging the pup, who in return gave the young hybrid icy cool kisses.

Vergil shifted his gaze to Ei as he noticed the concerned look on her face: no doubt the little devil was in tune with the elements, seemingly tapping into his own mother's heritage with such promise.

He was getting stronger as he was embracing his holy and unholy halves, so what is she concerned about?

"Mama's dozing off" Nero pointed out, causing the older woman to snap out of her trance: "papa, can you take mama to bed?"

"Very well" Vergil replied, earning a confused look from his wife's face.

"Vergil, I'm not- ah!"

"I insist" he countered almost immediately, catching her off-guard with a yelp as he pulled her into a bridal carry.

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