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Han watched as Ravenna ran after JJ at the weekly dinner. JJ was giggling up a storm while Ravenna chased her. It was seriously music to his ears. Even though he missed the first four years of JJ's life, he was making it up to her every single day. Even if she asked weekly why he wasn't around, he'd just change the subject.

Raven and Han discussed telling JJ a little later in life what they did for a living and why sometimes one or both of them had to fly out somewhere. It was hard, but JJ really didn't seem to mind. She got to spend a lot of time with Dom, Letty. and Little B whenever both of them were needed for missions.

As soon as Ravenna caught JJ, they fell back into the grass. JJ was on Ravenna's chest, laughing loudly. "Mamá!" Raven wrapped her arms around JJ, beginning to kiss her all over her head. "Mamá! That tickles!"

"Does it?" Ravenna began to wiggle her fingers into her daughter's sides. Jiya laughed louder, gaining the attention of the others who were laughing at Ravenna's playful nature with her daughter. It was nice to see this side of Raven more and more as JJ grew up.

"Ravenna." Ravenna paused her tickling session with JJ. Abuelita was standing there, a smile on her face. "You and Jiya are getting dirty." She stated.

"She started it." Ravenna pointed blame to her daughter, a smirk appearing on her face. Abuelita just chuckled at Ravenna's comment.

JJ dramatically gasped. "Did you just throw me under the bus, mamá?"

"Maybe." Ravenna sat up, kissing the top of her daughter's head. JJ stood up, crossing her arms as she looked at Ravenna. "What?"

"Jiya," Abuelita approached JJ, smoothing down her hair. "What do you want to ask mamá?"

JJ looked at Ravenna with a smile on her face. "Can I have a sibling?" Han choked on his Corona, getting a look from Roman. A smirk appeared across his face. Han shot him a look to shut him right up.

Ravenna blinked before sighing. "We told you, Jiya." JJ knew if one of her parents said her real name not to ask that question again for a while. Ravenna stood up from the ground, brushing off her shorts. "Oh look! Tío Dom's back with Little B!" Raven gently pushed JJ in the direction of Dom and his son.

JJ ran off to greet Dom.

Ravenna turned to Abuelita. "That was low."

"You blamed your own daughter. Two can play that game, Ravenna."

The only bad thing was... Han and Ravenna were trying to have another child. Raven had gone through four miscarriages since Han returned. Han and Ravenna decided that as much as they wanted another child, it wasn't worth the heartache of miscarriage after miscarriage.

But what Han didn't know was that Ravenna was actually pregnant right now. She was sixteen weeks and three days pregnant, but Ravenna was still holding her breath. Even though she was past her late-term miscarriage at 15 weeks, she couldn't tell him. It wasn't like she wanted to hide it from Han, but after all the miscarriages, Ravenna was scared. Her doctor already labeled her a high risk pregnancy just due to the miscarriages. She was just scared - but at the moment, this was the last mission for a while. Ravenna could have to hang up her hat for the rest of the pregnancy, so she wanted to do one last ride before sitting out many of them later on while on maternity leave.

"Still rude."

"Yo, Ravi!" Roman called out. Ravenna turned to Roman, a smile appearing on her face. "I'm gettin' another beer, want one?"

Ravenna shook her head. "Naw, just get me a Coke."

"You sure?" Roman was confused, Ravenna didn't normally turn down a beer. Ravenna nodded.

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