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Start from the beginning

Kitty: *Le sigh* 

Emma: Good. 


"Gina and MK, the sarcasm professionals." 

Gina and MK are both watching something on a green phone MK's holding while eating some chips out of a bag. 


Duel confessional 

Sarcasm Professionals 

MK: Heya! G and I met on total drama island. 

Gina: We had a shared love for tech, horror movies and hating stuff. 

MK: and by 'stuff,' she means Julia. 

Gina: *Bleep* you Julia! 

MK: totally. Anyway, we got together after the show, and then G signed us up for this without asking me. 

Gina: Hey, you would have said no. 

MK: And I still am saying no. 

Gina: Cheer up Grumpy Cat. *Pokes MK's side in that one place that feels like you're getting tickled by electricity* 

MK: hey! 

Gina: *continues doing it until they both start laughing uncontrollably* 

A/n, #livingTheirBestLives 


The screen shows Crimson and Ennui creepily sitting there. 

"Crimson and Ennui, two exceptionally pale teens" 

Lightning strikes. 

"Ok, that's just unnerving" Don said, clearly disturbed. 

The screen cuts to Noah and Owen. Owen looks excited, Noah looks like he was told to always be himself. 

"Owen and Noah. Seasoned reality TV participants." Don narrated. 

"Yeah! Whoo!" Owen cheered, holding up his hand for a high five. 

Noah continues to be told to always be himself. 

"Don't leave me hanging." Owen said, really wanting a high five. Like, desperately. 


Reality TV pros 

Owen: Noah and I met on total drama. But we've both been on tons of reality shows since then. Liiiiiiike, meltdown kitchen, aaaaaaaand, scare tractor, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, fashionista flip flop. 

Noah: Don't know how you got on that one. 

Owen: *weird owen laugh* I'm just so psyched to be reunited with my little buddy! C'mere! *Pulls Noah into a lethal hug* 

Noah: *Dying in a family friendly way.* 


The screen shows Micky and Jay. 

"Micky and jay. Identical twins who are used to overcoming adversity" 

Micky adjusts his safety helmet and Jay takes a puff from his inhaler. 

A bunch of luggage falls down on to them. 

Duel confessional 

Adversity twins 

Micky: We've both been through a lot, but we're not cursed! Whatever's right before cursed, heh, that's us! 

Jay: Like one time when I was six I fell into a burrowing owls nest and one of the baby owls flew into my ear! To this day, everything on this side just sounds like, hoo hoo hoo 

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