Beryl lets out an amused grin, satisfied with his work of deterring Tako's pressure off of him and redirecting it towards Hayate. Another plus was that he got a good show out of it too, feeding off of Hayate's horrified expression and Tako's cold glare. He was quite proud of how easily he can rile people up to do the most amusing things in his eyes.

" Did you make those two fight again?"

Beryl turns to meet Tamako's gaze. She looked unimpressed, with her arms crossed and her finger tapping the bridge of her arm. 

Sighing aloud, she slaps Beryl's back causing him to jolt forward a bit. Once again, her strength catches him off guard at the most opportune of times.

" You're a really troublesome one, aren't you?" She grinned after receiving an irritated expression out of him.

" I could say the same for you--"

She raises her hand--

" Just kidding." Beryl immediately says.

" Good!" She smiles cheerfully like she always does before stepping to the side and picking up the apron Tako dropped. Folding it neatly with a sigh, then placing it on the table. " But tone down your naughty act, okay? Wouldn't want those two to have an active feud during work, y'know."

" They're a lot closer than you think, Manager. A small conflict like this is nothing to them." Beryl refutes, causing Tamako to look back at him for his elaboration on that. " They can shoot each other the nastiest profanities today and still come to work like best buddies tomorrow."

Tamako huffs before grinning in amusement. " Well, your words does hold some substance since I've noticed it too.

Silence ensues, and Beryl continues with the clean-up, a bit more of the work has been added unto him though since his two co-workers are out and about currently. So he'll have to do their part of cleaning duty as well. Thankfully enough though, he wasn't alone, as Tamako also took part in the cleaning duties as well, like Beryl previously stated before-- she was an active manager. Always full of energy to spend during the day, he can count the amount of times he's actually seen her get tired ( besides getting sick ) on one hand alone. It's truly a rare occurrence for the hardworking Tamako-san to be seen lounging about, slacking on the job.

For a moment, Beryl considered asking Tamako about Yuki....but... chances are, she won't give him a definite answer to his questions regarding the mysterious woman. So he puts it off for now, deciding that ultimately, it was probably an unnecessary thing to do since he's already confirmed Yuki was not the type of threat he thought she was, and add to the fact that she'll be gone for a long while to publish her " story ". Is there really a point in asking?

He should just forget about her, huh.

Or at least, forget the suspicions he has on her.

Still, besides his weariness of her vague background, he still found her company to be quite enthralling. Conversing with her felt oddly easy-- no, he might even admit that it felt oddly familiar. Everything about her screamed familiarity in fact. Her name, especially. He doesn't want to delve into it more than he wants to already, it might just end up with him digging up the unnecessary past, he shouldn't mix it with the present. There's no guarantee she's really the person he thinks she is....but it would be a lie to say that there aren't some leads pointing towards it. And that deep down, he's really adamant on that theory.

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