The Love That is Not Forever

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, Carlos and l got married and even adopted an amazing kid that we named Esteban. We watched him grow up and him being a helpful and kind person, a great person for the community. But as everyone got older, I stayed the same, looked and acted the same.

Until one day when Esteban was seventeen years old. Carlos kissed me and Esteban goodbye like normal. "Ew love," Esteban jokes. "Well I am sorry, I love your Papa so much" I replied as I kissed Carlos again. "Well I got to work, so I can help make sure we can keep this apartment. "I guess that's fair," sighed Esteban. " I love you Esteban." Carlos says lovingly. " I love you too Papa," Responded Esteban. "Wait, where my second I love you." I say in fake annoyance. " Well, here you go darling" Carlos kisses me and heads to work.

"Dear listeners, I am getting a report that, A lab accident caused an explosion and more on that later, wait Carlos works in a lab-, I am so sorry, listeners, now let's go have a look at the weather. I take off my headphones and I call Esteban tears start in my eye as the phone starts to ring, I hears a voice, "Hello? Dad I heard on the radio what was going on" I hope dad it is not the lab that Papa works at and he is alright" says Esteban anxiously. " Me too honey, me too. I replied, trying to sound like I was not about to show my fear about Carlos being not alright. I need to be strong for Esteban.

" I'm going to keep on the phone, but the weather is about to be finished. I need to keep reporting. So, I will not be able to talk to you but, you can be the first to know what is going on" I say, trying to sound as confident as I can be in this situation. "That sounds like a good plan dad! Esteban says who seemed very distant and distracted. "

Hello again listener, I have my son Esteban on the phone with me. So don't mind that. The news on the lab that exploded, they look through the rubble and find that everyone who was in the had died and no one was a-a-live" Cecil says but my voice caught in my throat. My attempt to sound like everything was alright but failed Miserably. " I-I am going to end it right here good night Night V-V-Vale" my voice breaks so badly.

After the show ended I started to cry. I can hear Esteban crying as well. My perfect Carlos was dead, the wonderful father of our kid was dead. Then Cecil realized that he would never join him due to being Immortal. I walked home, tears blurring my vision making it very hard to get home. When I got home, tears were still in my eyes. Suddenly, I got a huge hug. I knew who it was, it was Esteban. " I d-did not know that would be the last time I would get to see him," Esteban cried. I tried comforting him but I could feel tears starting to flow down my face.

"Sh, sh, it's going to be ok, I-I am here." Tears." I said, trying to comfort him but my voice breaks. The previous tears turned into sobbing. We sat on the couch sobbing for the loss of Carlos, a father, a husband, a beloved member of the community. He has perfect hair and a perfect smile. The husband made him breakfast in bed when he had gotten sick. The father used to read bedtime stories and cuddle Esteban when he was younger to help fall asleep. They sobbed and sobbed.

"I knew that I didn't have forever because he is not immortal" Cecil cried. "I miss him already"replied Esteban as he slowly fell asleep after hours of crying. Cecil rubbed Esteban's back to sooth him. Esteban fell asleep. Cecil wanted to laugh at his son falling asleep in his lab, but was too tired from crying his eye's out. "What I am going to do without you Carlos" Cecil quietly says and looks up to the sky. He hugs the sleeping Esteban closer and yawns, then tries to sleep.

Everyone comes to Carlos' funeral. The sheriff secret police even show to honor the loss of the beloved scientist. After the burial. Cecil was driving home as Esteban was sitting there in the passenger seat in silence. Suddenly, a truck comes the wrong way, then Cecil tries to swirl around but it makes the other car hit the passenger side of the Truck . The speed and how heavy the truck was made the car flip around a couple times.The car shook Esteban and I as we landed on the side of the car. Glass on the windshield and the window shattered. My head had a steady flow of blood coming out of my head.

I started to panic when I had not heard Esteban's voice since the crash. Then more panic began to set in, he side of the cat calls out "Esteban, are you alright? Speak to me please!." No response came to him. " No, No, No, please don't be dead,please, please. I can't be without my family." Thought that crossed Cecil's mind. I looked more closely at Esteban's injuries. He had glass in head from the window and windshield that was bleeding very heavily. I could tell where his arm and legs were broken in multiple places. His skull was caved in at the top. That made Cecil panic the most at. He heard sirens coming closer and closer. But, I didn't care for my sake, I was more worried for Esteban sake and his safety. I felt dizzy probably due to the blood loss. Then suddenly,when the siren was extremely close , the world around me went dark.

When Cecil woke up,lights blinded him. "He is awake!" Called out a person he didn't know. "Where is Esteban, is he ok?" I asked, remembering that state that Esteban was in before I passed out. My mouth was dry making it hard to talk.  The person who was talking before, a nurse, looked at me sadly, took a deep breath and said " I am sorry to tell you your son didn't make it, he died on the way to the hospital."

I stared at her,tears start to heavily flow down my cheek. " This can't be, I just lost my husband, I can't also lose my son. This has to be a joke, please tell me it is!" I pleaded with the nurse. She gave me another sad look towards me, " I wouldn't joke about this. I am so sorry to hear about your husband and your son that you passed so recently. Do you want a hug?" Asked the nurse. I nodded and she let me cry on shoulder for a while as rubbed my back.

  When I got out of the hospital, after Esteban's funeral. I just threw myself into my work. It didn't matter, I just needed to forget? What I needed to do was to bury myself in work. Then, I will not think about them and how I should have prevented their deaths. I thought. When I got home I drank wine and more wine. So, he could be drunk and forget everything that had happened, in this misery live without his family. That died young and unfairly and he could never join them. I hated being Immortal. It wasn't fair that I could never see the ones I loved after death.

Narrator Pov

  Everyone knows that Cecil was never the same after the death of Carlos and Esteban. He acted like he was fine, but you could tell that he was not ok. He never let himself get close to anyone. He also buried himself in his work. Everytime someone tried to talk to him, he looked like he wanted to get out of the conversation. Everyone felt pity that the Voice of Night Vale was not the same eccentric, friendly person that everyone liked. All that was left was a broken man.

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