She was supposed to be sound asleep. 

But too much was floating around in her mind. She honestly couldn't sleep. 

The familiar sound of crickets sounded around me, the softness of it calming her nerves. She looked up into the stars, wishing that god never existed. 

How she wished that space was the only thing above her currently, and that when you did you just sleep. 

She had never seen the stars from a planet before she came here, and she wished she had before. 

They reminded her of someone.


He hasn't left her mind ever since he kissed her hand, his aura being so warm yet cold at the same time. 

His beauty reflected the stars, but at the same time the emptiness of space laid in his eyes. She's never seen that spark in his eyes like there's a spark in hers.

 Or in Tommy's. 

Or anyone else's.

 And how she was hurt. Hurt that he agreed to Erets request. She felt like a selfish guest, she was given a place to stay and she's not even help take care of it. 

She looked down to her shaky hands, feeling as if she was taking their hospitality for granted. 

She has to fight! 

For them! 

For if she doesn't, what use is she for a nation she loves? 

Cool, metallic drops fell out of her eyes, golden staining her once clean hands. She lets out a shaky sob, not knowing what to do with her feelings.

 "..are you Fr crying?"

 She heard a voice from below the wall, making her flush and look down to the mask covered face. She sniffled trying to wipe away the tears as quickly as humanly possible, or angelically possible,

 "PFT what?! No." 

She told him looking away from the green hoodie wearing asshole, making him stifle a laugh and climb up to sit next to her on the wall. 

"You okay?" He asked honestly, making her wonder if she heard him right.

 "Clay? Asking me if I'm alright? Is it my lucky day?" She joked, pretending to bat her eyelashes at him as he cringed. 

"I'm dream, get it right." 

She scoffs at him, rolling her eyes as she shoves her hands under her thighs sitting on them. 

"Liar. Your not dream." She told him as he just looked at her, and then looked away. 

She felt so stupid. 

Like a stupid little girl.

 She can't assist anyone. 

Not even her nation. 

Maybe this was why she wasn't put on guardian angel duty. 

Her eyes watered, trying not to fall in front of the enemy. 

But it was so hard. 

All she wanted to do was sob. 

"I don't care if you cry. I interrupted you, so who am I to stop you?"

 He told her as she let out another shaky sob, putting her hands up to her face and crying out into it.

 Even though dream knew nothing about her, and as a person was lacking in empathy, for the first time he didn't mind listening to her cry. Or comforting her. The first time in his life he.. felt bad. 

For someone he knew nothing about. 

He felt bad for a mystery. 

He wrapped his arm around her, scooting her close to him as she just continued to sob. He slowly rubbed her shoulder, and looked out into the night. He took her hands off her face, looking at her tear ridden face. Even when she was crying he found her stunning.

 A faint blush crept up into his face, with him quickly pushing it off and getting some of her tears on his hand.

 The golden liquid quickly healed any wounds on his hands, making him raise an eyebrow. 

"Damn your tears can heal people?" He asked her, trying to get off topic of the crying. She sniffled, silently appreciating him not asking what was wrong. 

"Yeah! All angels can." She told him laughing at how impressed he seemed.

 He acted like a giddy child, whipping her face and healing all his wounds. She laughed, looking back into the sky and seeing Wilbur's emptiness. 

But unbeknownst to her, the man who sat next to her shared the same emptiness in his eyes, and only gained a spark when she was with him. 

He found it strange. 

His click was like the click to a lighter, sparking his emotions to go into hyperdrive.

 " never told me you were an angel." 

Dream asked, looking at her as she realized she never explained herself to him.

 "Oh! Yeah.. I was kicked out of heaven and sent here to "grow up" according to my mother.. Fundy found me in the forest with a roughed up wing and took me back here and.. the rest is history." She said as dreams ears perked at the thought of a god. 

"..I'm intrigued.. what's the heavens like?" 

He asked as she and him went into a spiraling conversation about the heavens and this world, about how XD and him related, though she kept out some keen stuff like how all his memories were fake.. 

the night instead of being filled with tears was filled into laughter and joking, the two enemies acting like long lost childhood friends. Clay reminded {Name} of XD, how they would bicker one moment then laugh the next. 

But by 3am, she was tired. Leaning her head on dreams shoulder, she looked into his eyes as the night came to a close. 

"Ya know.. if you weren't behind these walls I think I'd marry you." Dream said matter of frankly making her head shoot up and her cheeks flush. 

Her jaw was agape as he laughed, her flushed face being the main reason. "You can't just say that without any context!!" She yelled as he laughed harder, whipping a tear from his eye. 

"But honestly, the only thing between you and I having a decent future together is the wall we sit on." He told her more seriously, as she went quiet knowing he was correct. 

If she had met him first, she would be fighting in the fight.

 "You know it's never too late, you change sides-"


 I interrupted him knowing my answer.

 "I'd never betray my nation, I may not be perfect but I am loyal." She told him as his breath hitched.

 Her eyes showed a love for the place she first found a home, even if it was simply just a drug van. She looked out into the night once again, hopping off the wall and into her land. 

"Goodnight, clay. I'll see you on the battlefield." She told him, smiling at him one last time before disappearing into the dark. 

And as she walked away, she took the spark in his eyes, and the empathy in his heart he once had.

 Leaving a heartless man on a wall, alone with the quiet wind.

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