"At least take his calls. It's been months Jungkook! I'm sure he's better. Remember what Eun Woo said. He said that jimin is getting better pretty fast"

Jungkook sighed.

"This might be important for him to call you for ten times"

"I'll go over to the house"

"That's more better. And jungkook? What you're doing now to jimin, it'll make him feel like you gave up on him. Like you don't believe that he'll get better. At least you should've been calling him at least twice a week to see how he's doing but you only ask Eun Woo about him and I'm sure jimin doesn't know that. Don't make jimin doubt your love for him"

Seungmin patted jungkook's back then walked out of the mansion.

Jungkook sighed.

"I'm sorry love" he whispered to himself before standing up, taking his keys and running to his car.

An hour later, jungkook arrived at his second mansion, he parked his car then rushed into the mansion after punching in the codes.

"Baby!?!" He yelled as he walked into the silent house.

He frowned when he didn't hear anything.
He was about to shout again when he heard a loud thud from upstairs.

He gasped then ran upstairs with his heart beating loudly.

He searched the rooms one by one as he ran then he saw a half open door.

He ran to it then pushed it open, his eyes widening at the sight in front of him.

"Baby?" He mumbled then rushed into the room.

There jimin was, on the floor, face flushed with foam running out of his mouth, half unconscious.

Jungkook knelt down beside him and cupped his face.

"B....baby? What's wrong? Wh--"


Jungkook's eyes widen as jimin started to convulse and more foam flooded out of his mouth.

He quickly carried jimin bridal style and rushed to his car then drove to the nearest hospital.

"Help my boyfriend please!!!" Jungkook cried as he ran into the hospital with jimin in his arms.

Some nurses hurried over with a wheeled bed, jungkook gently laid him down and they rushed him to the theatre with jungkook following behind.

"You're not allowed in sir. Please wait in the waiting room" the doctor said politely then rushed into the theatre to attend to jimin.

Jungkook sighed then ran his hands in his hair then abruptly burst into tears.

"I should've answered your calls darling. I'm so sorry" he cried in his hands.

He knew he could've call anyone because all their friends are not talking to him or jimin at the moment so he sat in the waiting room impatiently.

{Two hours later}

The doctor came out of the theatre and jungkook hurried to her.

"Please tell me what's wrong with him! Is he okay?!?"
Jungkook cried.

"Please calm down sir. Your boyfriend is okay--"

"Then why was he convulsing!?! Why did that thing come out of his mouth please tell me! Is there anything wrong with him!?!"

"If you can please come with me to my office then I'll explain everything to you"
She said softly.

Jungkook nodded like a puppy and followed behind her as she led him to her office.

When they arrived, she gestured for him to sit in front of her and he did.

"So, first, I need to ask you a question"

Jungkook nodded.

"Is he undergoing any sort of treatment?"

"Y...yes he is"

"Okay. So, from what I saw, he's going for therapy to make himself better. Am I right?"

Jungkook nodded again.

"I did a test to see what kind of drugs he has been consuming and according to my results. He wasn't taking any therapy drugs"

Jungkook looked at her with wide eyes.

"What do you mean doctor?"

"The drugs he has been taking is not for therapy. It has nothing to do with therapy. He has been taking pills to block his womb, to stop him from giving birth"

Jungkook gasped softly with teary.


"Yes. And the drugs has been working for months but luckily we were able to prevent it from affecting his womb. We quickly sucked the pills out with a tube. You're lucky he hasn't been taking it for a year, if not giving birth would be impossible for him"

"S..so what's you're saying is that he has been taking pills to prevent him from getting pregnant?"

"Yes sir"

Jungkook breathed out loudly.

"C..can I go see him?"

"Not yet sir. I still have something to tell you"


"The reason he was convulsing was because he took poison"

Jungkook's breath got knocked out of his chest.


"Yes. He took Poison. And the bad news is that, due to the poison and the pills. He lost his baby"


Too much drama in one chapter.

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