☆ prologue ☆

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I messed up. My mother always said I would make a good soldier, a great one even. A strong and independent woman that no one could beat. My mother was wrong. So incredibly wrong. I wonder why I chose this profession why I allowed my mother to lure me into a false sense that everything would be okay. The profession I work, one in which I could loose someone in the blink of an eye. And thats exactly what happened to me. Loosing the second partner I've had on the battlefield. It all happened so fast. In the blink of an eye she was gone. Blown up by a land mine right in front of me. I had lost my best friend so fast. I wonder if my mother knows. If she got the message I sent. The one telling her that I'm leaving the task force. The one in which I tell her I lost Anna. I wonder if she bothered to read it, or if at least my brothers got it. I secretly hope no one got it, the shame and pain I felt after loosing anna... I want to hide it away forever.

I sigh softly as I toss and turn in bed. I hated nights like these. Nights where I knew there would be nightmares and no one was there to help me stop them. Nightmares about those I've cared for. I have had nightmares every night for almost 3 years. Never once getting a break, I thought I had done everything to get rid of them. Everything to make them stop, but there was nothing in the world to help me stop them. The tossing and turning never seems to rest. Its like I'm going in a never ending loop of tossing. And turning. And tossing. And turning. It is possibly the most annoying thing I have to deal with. I already know exactly what my nightmares are about tonight. I know no one can help either, and that's the worst part. I deeply miss my mother. My brothers. Anna... I miss my old partner, he was my partner in crime. But I miss Anna the most, that annoying little rat always seemed to get on my nerves, but she was my best friend, the only person on this God awful task force willing to work with me despite how distant and cruel I seem. She was always there for me. And now she's gone.

The tossing and turning is unbearable at this point. I hate it. I hate it so much. I turn to my door, just watching it, I secretly hoped Anna would walk in, complaining about a task she got or bursting out laughing at something dumb. Or maybe she would burst in with a joke, or walk into my room hoping to spend the night. I knew she wouldnt...couldn't. But I just watched. And watched. And watched. What felt like hours turned out to only be a few short moments. Those few moments though, made me drained to the point I felt physically ill. I felt like I wanted to throw up. Like I wanted to curl up into a ball. But I didn't. I just sat there. Waiting for absolutely nothing. Waiting and watching for my best friend to come through my door.

I allow myself to be consumed by the temptation of sleep knowing that's what Anna wanted me to do. My blanket falls over my body in such a way that it seems like its consuming me in a tight hug. The soft pitter patter of rain apon my window lulls me to sleep and the faint rays of moonlight act as a nightlight to light up my room ever so softly. The gray walls that Anna loved so much seem to be illuminated with her soul. The soft pace of footsteps in the hallway seem like a metronome, so in sync and on time. Anna loved rainy nights like these.. ones where everything seemed alive. All of the noise would make this night unsleepable to most, but this is the only way I am able to nod off to sleep, being comforted by the thoughts that Anna liked these sounds. My breathing slows and steadies as my body falls into a deep slumber. It seems so odd to me that Anna is not here. It almost pains me that she's not here to comfort me when I wake up screaming from my nightmares, it scares me. She was the only one willing, the only one that actually was there for those late night nightmares. And now she isn't.

~ a/n!

Hello lovelys! I hope you enjoyed the prologue, I know its short but definitely expect longer chapters to come! Let me know if you find any mistakes or typos, this is my first official book on wattpad (with the exception of a cringe book I made when I was 11), so I apologize if it seems too slow or too rushed! This will probably be quite angsty and maybe have a few chapters of fluff here and there <3

Word count: 856

Glass Love ~ Captain John Price x Reader Where stories live. Discover now