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Harry- 26Sunny- 24Rory & Nola- 7Amos- 2Juniper- 2 

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Harry- 26
Sunny- 24
Rory & Nola- 7
Amos- 2
Juniper- 2 

"Do you think she knows it's her birthday?" Harry asks from beside me in the softest whisper.

The two of us are crouched over Juni's small kiddie travel bed. Sleeping soundly with her Giraffe teddy named Josie tucked up beside her neck, her pouty lips pucker in her sleep. The soft blonde of her hair sticks to her forehead a little in the heat as she rolls on her side and lets a small huff puff out of her nose.

"She's two, Harry!"

"So?" He grunts back. "Babies can sense stuff. I'm sure of it. Like Mosi knew I was scared when he was a baby, that's why he would scream when I held him and then when you held him in the diner, he was fine."

"Maybe he just liked me more?" I suggest, tapping my hip into my husband's playfully.

"Nope," Harry declares. "He could smell my fear,"

"Right..." I nod, going along with another one of his silly little ideas that make no sense to me.

It's been just over two years since we got married and nothing has changed in the slightest. Harry still has an interesting sense of humour that he likes to share with me at any given moment. He also just talks his mind and his quirky little thoughts every single second of every day and now, as his wife, I have to smile and nod and try not to giggle at how silly some of them are.

"When do you think she is going to wake up?" He asks, growing impatient.

I know he is excited for her to go downstairs and see the way that we have decorated the beach house that we stay at every single year now for everyone's birthday. Every time someone in our family turns another year older, we come here and celebrate but I have to say the last two years that we have held Juni's birthday at the beach have been the most fun.

With the fireworks from the Fourth of July celebrations that flitter around all of us at night, there is a sort of magical nature to her birthday.

Of course, we celebrate her more than the holiday but regardless, we enjoy the fireworks.

"Momma?" Rory pokes her head around the bedroom door and lets in a stream of light that hits directly into Juniper's eyes.

"Shhh!" I hum with very little authority because the contagious smile on her face is a pretty one. "What is it?"

"Mosi is trying to bite the balloons that Daddy blowed up!"

I smile, finding it somewhat funny that Mosi is such a little troublemaker these days. He's nearly three and already he is creating havoc.

How we have survived having two little ones so close together is an absolute mystery to me but nonetheless, we made it work.

"For god sake!" Harry grunts, shaking his head and leaving the room without another word.

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