Baby Loading

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Wow, this one is self-explanatory, but women are literally groomed to accept men at their lowest.

Accepting a man who has a baby on the way is pretty low *yikes face*. Which leads me to the next red flag...

2. He has a baby on the way.

I beg you. I'm on my hands and knees. I am pleading with you. Do NOT date a man with a baby on the way. That's not a red flag that's a fucking brick-wall. That's the loudest no you will ever hear in life.

Babies bond women and men together in ways us child-less folks cannot understand. If he was recently in that woman's stuff to the point where she's pregnant? Yeah, that's a HELL-NAH.

Return that man to his baby mama, expeditiously.

Check out this scenerio: It doesn't matter how you find out he has a baby on the way. The problem is that there's a baby on the way. If he has multiple kids or one kid with the woman, that means they have history. That's not good. If she's pregnant with their first, that shit still ain't good.

Get. Thee. Fuck. Out.

I don't care how GOOD that man is. I don't care how sweet he is. I don't care how willing he is to make you AND his bm happy, this shit will stress you out and take away from any love you think you may have for this man.

Whatchu gonna do when he has to go to her for appointments to check on the baby? You can't tell him not to go. He has a duty to his child and the mother. He has to see this shit out. He has to be responsible.

Are you going to welcome him back with open arms after he's been holding her hand and smiling in glee at the ultra sound?

No! If you say you are, you're fucking lying. You need to g'on head and exit this lil guide, because you're very much so delusional, and I'm about to give you some real ass shit. It's gonna hurt you.

This man will hurt you without intending to. You will CRY real tears. You will feel SO much pain.

You will wish you were pregnant to ease the pain, because maybe, if you're pregnant, too, you won't feel like you've been robbed an opportunity to bear his child. What if he tells you he doesn't want anymore kids after she drops this one? Yeah, i'mma hop on that in a later chapter.

Ok, lemm throw something else at you: what about the baby shower? Will you be ok with him going? If he takes you, the shit is gonna look bad, and the bm will get her family to jump you if she's about that life. So don't do it.

Where will you be? At home, crying.

Will you be happy about this shit? Hell, NAH. Your heart. will be a bleeding fucking mess.

So, no matter whether this dude is trash or the best dude you have ever encountered in life, his baby baking in another romans' stomach is the Universe telling you to MOVE THEE FUCK AROUND.

Also, why is he trying to date when he was just busting in that woman's guts? I'll get into that in another chapter. I'mma make this shit plain as hell.

Jus don't do it. If he loves you, he will NOT ask you to do this with him. He will break that shit off (if he finds out at the very beginning), or he won't even approach you.

Don't let him talk you into that pain, because he will never be able to get rid of it for you. He won't understand.

Imagine knowing there's another woman pregnant by the so-called love of your life. Will you be able to handle that shit without it destroying you?

No. Don't fucking lie.

Moving on...

Red Flags to Look for When Dating a Single FatherWhere stories live. Discover now