Is That Yo Baby?

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So, a guy with kids has caught your eye, or he's on you heavily, and you're mildly (or greatly) intrigued. Your friends have told you not to do it. Your parents have BEGGED you not to do it. You YOURSELF have said that you will not do it. Absolutely not.

But this guy? He's different. There's a lil sum'n sum'n about him that you can't put your finger on. You're curious, and you're child-less, and you're in an EO (equal opportunity) Phase.

Well, slow down. Slow it all the way down, boo. Lemme throw some red flags your way to look out for.

1. He's dishonest about having children and a bm (baby mama).

So, the baby mama could be an ex-wife, ex-fiancé, ex-gf, ex Woot-de-Woot, OR a current who isn't aware that her child/children's father is single--shit, you know how that goes.

Here's a scenario: You meet the guy in real-life at wherever you meet him. He looks good, or his personality looks good, or maybe you're a lil desperate and willing to bend your moral and standards for whatever reason. Cool. Or maybe he's a phenomenal guy appearance wise. Maybe his pockets are fat and his ride is clean and his job is awesome or he's a successful entrepreneur. Doesn't matter. If he has this red flag, he should be out.

So, you've been talking to him for a few days or a few weeks or months, and you decide to ask him, "Hey, do you have kids?"

Maybe this question slipped your mind because he's been moving like a man without kids, or maybe he just treats you so well you never thought to ask. 

You ask...and he does what? He lies.

The lie is smooth, or it's a lie or omission. It sounds great, but you feel...uneasy.

What's that unease? Yeah, that's your gut telling you that he's a fucking liar. 

You know before you dive into your private investigation that something is off, but that confirmation is everything.. Maybe you look him up on social media, and immediately you're smacked with pictures of his bm while pregnant, him with his kids, or whatever. You have evidence that he wasn't forthright.

Should you confront him? If you're strong-willed enough to still walk away from him after confronting him. If you're not. No, ghost his ass. Immediately. Block him on everything. 

I'm telling you, if he starts off lying about his kids, he will lie about any and everything, and you absolutely will not trust him. He will gas light you, and you won't know what the hell is going on.

Don't do it. RUN.

This ain't even a red flag anymore. It's six-flags, boo. Get off, NOW.

Red Flags to Look for When Dating a Single FatherWhere stories live. Discover now