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It was Sunday and we had head out at 11:00 am and we were going to explore the woods and see what the woods had to offer us. We didn't spend all our time inside the dimly lit arcade, so we went outside to explore the woods. We crossed over the bridge into Woodwork Park which was surrounded by forest and bushes. We passed by the picnic area and the big barn there for people to eat at and the cookout things that were there. Then we passed by the playground where the kids played and then the nearby dog park as we biked by all the dogs playing with their owners. Then we continued to ride down the trail as it turned from a cleanly paved trail into a dirty and rocky trail with rocks and twigs covering it. We soon came to an old cabin with a post in front of it and one of those speaker things you press. We were curious and I pressed the button and then a voice said. "This is the cabin of William Colet who lived in this cabin for 10 years from 1960-1970 to prove that man could still survive on his own without the need of the capitalist world. Later in 1990 he spent another 15 years till 2005 to show man didn't need all of the material and help of the outside world. Since he believed that consumerism was evil and made man weak. In 2011 he died of old age and said on his death bed that he still believed in his morals. This is the same cabin he lived in those two times as it was added to the park in 2017."
We walked over to the cabin and looked at it and it was pretty run down and old and the wood was rotting and falling apart. It was covered in moss and leaves with the wood being chipped and would crumble in a matter of years. We walked to the window, and it was cracked, and the inside was dirty and covered in dust and cobwebs and the window was dirty and foggy. We left that cabin behind, and Joel said on the way out. "I would hate to be forced to live in the woods for 10 years and definitely wouldn't willingly do it." Then Mike said, "I would since at least I could not have to deal with arguments very day and screaming." everyone but him had an uneasy feeling about that comment he made. We kept biking and soon saw the river and we rode down into the river. We stood in the river, and I grabbed a rock and threw the rock across the river, and it skipped. We tried to see who could throw the rock the most far. We kept throwing rocks for a while and Mike got pretty far but we got bored. We moved our bikes out of the ditch and crossed across the forest. Soon we ended up in a clearing and noticed it was a bunch of trailers in a circle. We moved closer to it and then went around it closer to where it probably its entrance was. They had clothes strung up on clothes liner and there were people in leather jackets and jeans. It was a wild boy's colony and we started to bike away when we heard "Hey, give us your bikes!" We then started to speed away on our bikes. We went up and down over and over again as they chased after us and then soon jumped on their dirt bikes. They yelled swears at us and told us to give them their bikes. Then we had to go up a hill and it got really hard to go up and then I got hit in the back of the head with a stick. 
Later I woke up on a bench near the playground and Joel and Mike stood over me looking worried. I asked what happened and Joel said "You got knocked out and you fell down with your bike and they went after you, so we went to save you, but they beat us up and stole our bikes. We saw them put them in their truck and their probably goanna pawn them off." I was pretty mad that my bike was goanna get pawned off so they could get Weed and Alcohol. I got up and asked, "How long was I out?" Mike said, "3 hours."
I got up and we walked out of the park and saw them driving into the woods without any bikes, so they did probably sell them for cash. We walked out of the park and walked down to the Everything General store and got some ice for my head. It hurt like I got hit in the back of the head which I did. We just hung out and talked about stuff till it got late and we went home, and I walked into my house and dropped on the couch. My head felt like I got hit like a truck and it was so painful I thought I could die there and then and I hoped it would be gone by tomorrow.

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