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At lunch they were serving the same old food which was green mush and green sloshy juice. If you're wondering why our school is serving this food well there is a reason. Back in 1980 the school was on hard times so the school had an idea to save money. After lunch was done the leftovers had to be put into a big pot of water and then the next day it would be cooked. After a few years they just stopped serving any food at all by about 1985 and only served slop. The food tastes horrible and the juice came from the same situation. After we got our food, we went to the table to eat but no one let us sit at any tables. We couldn't sit anywhere since no one wanted us, so we sat in the corner. We tried to eat our food before vomiting it all up and then threw it away. Eventually they let us outside and we all ran outside to the big field but outside the lunchroom it's really just one big field with a hill and nothing else. There is a long field and then a big hill that is big enough to jump over the fence and then a area of the same size behind it that had shade from the trees. They can't see or hear you from behind the hill due to the distance and it's pretty shady from the trees. We walked around the main field for a while and just talked and stuff while the other kids did the same or hung out next to the school. Eventually we went over to the hill and looked down at everything from the hill and just looked around for a bit and talked about it. Then we went down the hill well we actually rolled down the hill and then we walked over to the fence and looked at the trees for a bit and talked about life and other stuff. There were on older teenagers who were smoking cigarettes on the other side of the area and there were also some teenagers who were drinking some alcohol and probably got it from a older brother or sister who was 21. We then walked back to the hill when he saw Kevin along with Butch and Biff and they started walking over to us. They started looking a bit menacing and they kept walking towards us and then Joel said, "What do you want Kevin?" that's when Kevin walked up to him and punched him in the face. We both attacked Kevin and started punching him and then Butch and Biff came in came in and started beating us up. Soon we were all beating each other jump and I heard the Teenagers laughing and chuckling over us fighting. Soon after a bit we all got tired and walked away from the fight but Butch yelled from over the hill. "We'll get you soon!"
In fifth period we had home economics and we learned to cook scrambled eggs and also how to cook bacon as currently we're in the breakfast part of our lesson and we are learning how to make different breakfast foods. We already learned to make toast and to cook a hashbrown and now we're learning to actually cook. As does were just putting something in a heater and then eating. But now we get to actually cook stuff and so we all had to group into groups of 2 or 3 and so I got with Mike and Joel. Joel grabbed some eggs and a pepper shaker, and I turned on the stove and Mike grabbed a few other things, and I got cooking and things were going good till. Kevin came up to us and opened the pepper shaker and dumped the whole thing on our scrambled eggs and then we shouted at him, and we had to start all over again. After a bit more of cooking Butch came up and Mike tried to block him but then he punched him in the face. He took the pan from my hand and threw the egg out and the teacher wouldn't let us start over. So, we all got a F on the assignment. So, we were pretty mad, and we still had 3 periods left so then now the sixth period was English and the teacher had us write a story in the second person as we already had to write a story in the third in first person. I wrote the story as a fantasy story where you venture into a cave and defeat a dragon and then take all the treasure within the cave. After I finished, I was walking up to the desk when Kevin pushed me to the side and handed in his paperwork and I said, "What was That for You Jerk!" That's when he stole my paper and tore it into pieces. That's when the teacher told me that I had failed this assignment since it got torn into pieces and also somehow Kevin got a A + when his looked like a 6-year-old wrote it. Also, his handwriting looked like a dyslexic person wrote the story who was 6 years old. Anyways in seventh period it was Woodshop and he all put our goggles on and our particle masks on and we were going to carve the first letter in our name. I was seated next to Mike and Joel again and I was finishing carving the first little bit of the letter when I was hit with a piece of wood. That's when some pieces of wood chips and saw dust was thrown my way by Kevin. I shouted at Kevin to knock it off. But then later I was hit with another set of wood chips. So, I went to the teacher and then I told him about what he did but the teacher said I should stop getting in his way! Then I had to go back to working and I was almost finished with my letter then some more wood chips hit me in the head and then a big piece of wood hit my head. I went to the teacher and told him that Kevin threw a whole piece of wood at my head and then he said that he would sent be to detention for disrupting the class. So then 8th period was a free period where you can do your homework and projects and are let to walk around the school and do stuff. If you don't have any homework then you can just do whatever and hang around in the library and socialize. So, we went down to the library to do our homework and we worked together to help each other with our homework since we all have the same classes. It's very convenient that we all have the same classes after a bit we finished our homework. After we finished our homework we packed out of stuff a met with a few kids names Mel and Max. Those kids run a fanzine that gets sold around the area of Woodwork about pinball and just pinball. The fanzine is called "Pinball Mania" And we helped them get the magazine start up with my old printer and a couple articles first made by us and so for our help we get free issues. We met up with them and they handed us the newest issue of the fanzine with this being issue #21. The articles were cool and they did some fun reviews along with pinball cross words and word finders. They've got a whole group of kids working on this fanzine with all the kids who used to work for the school newspaper. A whole lot of kids quit recently do to that kid James recently. Anyways we read the magazine and then just hung around and then school ended. When school ended we had to go detention and then after 5:00 pm, we got to go home finally.

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