Chapter 24:Followers

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The next day, and the entirety of Class 1-A was at a Shopping Mall for their planned shopping trip at a newly opened Mall that Mina was eager to talk about.

"Mina:And so, here we are! With the most stores in the prefecture, the newest and coolest, most advanced Koyashi Ward Shopping Mall!"

And just like Mina said, it was possibly the most inclusive Mall in the prefecture. Having stores that sold clothing for all body types.

If you had multiple arms, a tail, or any other additional body parts a normal Human wouldn't have, there were dozens of stores for you to choose from.

If you needed all sorts of camping gear, from tents that put themselves up, to cooking pots that could fold up into a simple can, there were stores that sold it.

The Mall had everything.

Only, the group didn't get to look around much before they were spotted and recognised.

"Civilian 1:Oh, aren't those U.A. students?!"

"Civilian 2:First Years?!"

"Civilian 3:I saw them in TV!"

"Uraraka:Oh, there are still people who remember that..."

While most of the class were enjoying the stares and people talking about them, (Y/N) didn't pay them much mind as he stood around with Tsu holding his left hand and Jiro hugging his right arm.

"Jiro:Anyway, I need to buy a big carry-on bag."

"(Y/N):And I'm gonna need some proper boots, and a proper blanket for Tsu so she doesn't enter hibernation."


"Tsu:I'm a frog."

"Jiro:Oh, right."

While everyone was chatting about what they needed, they eventually found that they all needed different things....Iida was also trying to remind everyone what they were told to get like a dad talking to a group of kids.

So, everyone decided they'd all meet back up near the Mall clock tower at three o'clock.

With that, everyone began wandering around the store, with Akari joining Uraraka as the two girls walked around. With Akari looking slightly nervous.

"Akari:You know, I was expecting you guys to be a bit should I put it....unfriendly with me when I replaced one of your classmates."

"Uraraka:Oh, really?"

"Akari:Yeah. I mean I beat some of your classmates in the Sports Festival, so I thought there'd be some resentment for that."

As Akari became a bit more nervous, causing her hair to begin to scrunch up, Uraraka suddenly laughed for a split second causing Akari's nervs to disappear.

"Uraraka:Oh please, we're nothing like that. You beat them fair and square without even having any proper training. You earned your spot in out class."

Hearing those words coming from Uraraka who had a kind smile plastered on her face, made Akari smile, feeling like she'd just properly became friends with everyone in Class 1-A.


"Uraraka:Plus you replaced that pervert, Mineta. That got you a lot of browny points with me and the other girls."

"Akari:What? How bad was he?"

Right as Uraraka was about to continue speaking, she saw something behind Akari that made her freeze in shock.

As the brown haired girl suddenly froze on the spot, Akari did too and looked behind her to see what Uraraka was staring at.

And what she saw was surprising to say the least.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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