Resting near the coastline/Rex attack

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*We cut to Lincoln as he's traveled all the way to nearby a coastline*

Lincoln: *panting* Holy crap, that was the longest walk I've ever done in my life,

*In the sky Lincoln sees a weird mixture of a quetzalcoatlus but it has three heads as it lands it catches a nearby fish-like creature before flying off*

Lincoln: I need something to free Sasha, anything to help her out, maybe I can use something to help me with my boredom and worry

*Lincoln discovers another computer scanner, and he remembers that he found it when he first awoke from Cryostasis, Lincoln deciding to cure his boredom has it scan a nearby plant*

Lincoln: what can you tell me about this planet

*The Scanner reveals that the planet formed at least 8.5 billion years ago and complex life had been around for nearly 2 billion years, and the animals that currently dominate the planet

Have been around for 500 million years*

Lincoln: wow, that's impressive 500 million years of ruling this planet I'm impressed by how long these creatures have been around for

*We cut to Sasha as she's trying to find her way out of the cave*

Sasha: I can't believe I just did that?! *she slaps herself* how could I be so stupid?! I could've gotten Lincoln killed by my actions!

And what's worse not only is he separated from the only protection he has! But he's following me because of a lie........ *she pulls out a holographic picture of her wife Anne and their son*...... I'm sorry Anne..........I'm so sorry for not being there for our child

I should've never taken this mission at all.......... *she recomposes herself* I need to focus on getting outta here and finding Lincoln

*As Sasha continues through the cave suddenly a piece of a meteor crashes into the cave Sasha jumps out of the way just in time as she sees the smoldering rock, and she's perplexed about this*

Sasha: that's odd? Meteor showers aren't a common occurrence especially for habitable worlds like the one we're on *realizes* wait a minute? Maybe these little meteors are a sign of something bigger!

*Sasha grabs her scanner and she scans it before she releases a mini-probe, and she programs it to fly out of the hole in the cave and it does so before it flies out of the planet's atmosphere

And with its camera, Sasha sets it to night vision and to her horror, her worst fears have come into reality

The meteors are a sign of something big, but it's not a good sign at the camera's footage passing by the ocean covered planet, is another planet about the same size as the ocean covered one

And it's on a collision course with the planet they're currently on*

Sasha: *worried* we need to find that escape pod asap! This planet and it's biosphere is doomed for extinction

I need to get to Lincoln and warn him about this!

*we cut to her running deeper into the cave as we cut back to Lincoln as he rests near the beach*

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